The analytical entrepreneur: Merging AGI, business, and a vision for the future


Photo courtesy of Daniyal Ahmed

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It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to interview Daniyal Ahmed, a tech enthusiast and data scientist whose experience in analytics and data science has led Daniyal into the field of artificial intelligence. Daniyal’s work in analytics and data science has already impacted logistics and resource optimization, gathering a background working with multinational companies across the UAE, EU, and USA. Yet, Daniyal has moved beyond crunching numbers, gaining experience in leveraging technology and AI to drive optimization. Through Daniyal’s work experience and deep understanding of AI, the data scientist imagines a world where this technology can empower communities globally. Today, Daniyal will share his vision for the future in this insightful discussion. 

Question: Could you tell me about your background and what sparked your interest in data science?

Answer: My interest in data science stems from a lifelong curiosity about technology and an innate drive to understand the underlying code that shapes our world. As a child, I was captivated by how things worked, which naturally led me toward coding. When I later pursued economics and econometrics, I discovered an intersection where I could combine data analysis with coding to create AI applications. But my interest went beyond this intersection — I’ve always been intrigued by the very fabric of reality itself. Using a first principles approach and data science allows me to build simulations and estimate functions that can decode the world around us.

Question: What does your current role as a data scientist entail day-to-day?

Answer: On a typical day, I am heavily involved with data — ensuring it’s properly populated across relevant servers and databases, then building pipelines for further development. A significant portion of my time is dedicated to the modeling process itself, constructing sophisticated models from that data. However, my role extends beyond that, as I work to deploy these models into live applications, which requires ML engineering expertise. What I appreciate most is the opportunity to collaborate with cross-functional business teams, thoroughly understanding their requirements so I can educate them on the possibilities and advance these AI initiatives.

Question: As an AI enthusiast, what are your thoughts on the current state and impact of the technology?

Answer: I’m in awe of how AI has already benefited society in significant ways, and I’m confident this revolution will continue to rapidly develop. However, we may see a market shift where today’s hot trends, like generative AI, become less paramount over time. As scientists, we sometimes fall into the trap of trying to contort problems to fit our preferred solutions, when it should be the other way around. We must avoid those pitfalls and maintain an open mindset to drive continuous progress.

Question: What new skills should data scientists develop to stay ahead of the AI curve?

Answer: AI will continue to reshape the job landscape — rendering some roles highly automated while amplifying productivity in others. While some worry this means human jobs are disappearing, I view it as an opportunity to redefine societal values. We must continually change and pivot towards in-demand skills. In tech, roles like machine learning researchers and engineers likely can’t be automated anytime soon. Many creative fields outside of tech should also endure. The key is recognizing the need to continue to reinvent ourselves based on AI’s impact.

Question: What are the ethical considerations as AI influences decision-making?

Answer: This is an excellent question that deserves careful consideration. From an ethical standpoint, we must be very mindful of data privacy and how models are designed when putting AI in decision-making capacities. However, when developed responsibly, AI presents a clear opportunity to solve global challenges and create a more equitable world for all. In the language of entrepreneur Peter Thiel, AI will allow us to go from 0 to 1 — generating entirely new value propositions. If we view AI as a companion that helps us better understand our world and each other, enhancing human capabilities, the benefits could be remarkable — potentially creating a more equitable society. 

Question: How do you define professional success and strive towards it?

Answer: To me, success means reconnecting with where your interests and curiosities are first sparked, using those roots to provide a moral compass for finding your ideal workstream — whether art, science, AI, or anything else that you’re passionate about and brings fulfillment. Knowing yourself and aligning your interests with societal needs is hugely powerful. In terms of tactical goal-setting, I recommend establishing quarterly objectives, then subdividing your day into three focused periods for grinding towards those mini-milestones. By staying aligned with your vision through daily determination, you will reach the ultimate success. 

Question: Why is the US fertile ground for tech startups, and what are your views on that ecosystem?

Answer: The United States has been the global headquarters driving development over the past 50-plus years. Its greatest product has been the startup architecture that produces new companies, sharp minds, and thought leaders. My aspiration is to solidify America’s position by contributing AI capabilities with entrepreneurial expertise. I want subsequent generations to view this as a development for realizing bold ideas that increase our human potential. By fostering the startup ecosystem, and tech hyperspace, we can move toward a more self-sustaining society. 

Question: Finally, what most excites you about AI’s trajectory over the next five to 10 years?

Answer: I’m most excited by the potential of artificial general intelligence (AGI) in the coming decade. In fact, my forthcoming startup Ascension AGI is exclusively devoted to materializing this goal. Our mission is to democratize AGI as an equitable, global resource for all people in their daily lives. I’m thrilled at the prospect of delivering this capability that will elevate our species’ ability to collectively surmount any challenge and reach new heights.

The analytical entrepreneur: Merging AGI, business, and a vision for the future
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