Review: LEXXE stars in ‘Queen of Hearts’ production in Brooklyn


LEXXE in ‘Queens of Hearts.’ Photo Credit: Mark Shelby

LEXXE stars in the “Baroque and Burlesque” production of “Queen of Hearts,” which is being performed at Theatre XIV by Company XIV in Brooklyn.

It is their own distinct take on “Alice in Wonderland,” where they encouraged the audience members to go down the rabbit hole with them.

The cast and company are able to dust off the Lewis Carroll classic book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” and they are able to give it a modern, refreshing twist to it, which is coupled with circus, dancing, acrobatics, burlesque, music, and vibrant designs.

The end result is a show that is lush, campy, lavish, and theatrical. It encompasses elements of the “Moulin Rouge!” musical meets “Burlesque” (starring Cher and Christina Aguilera).

The Verdict

Overall, “Queen of Hearts” is memorable from start to finish. Strong performances led by LEXXE gave this show its beating heart (who was Lady Gaga-caliber good talent-wise).

It is not afraid to push the boundaries in a fun and provocative way. “Queen of Hearts” is well worth more than just a passing glance, and it is a keeper.

Review: LEXXE stars in ‘Queen of Hearts’ production in Brooklyn
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