Effective program management for everything from cosmetics to satellite communications


Photo courtesy of Ajay Chandra

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Beauty and banking, pharmaceuticals and energy, manufacturing and cloud computing. Industries of all kinds require strong program management. Without capable managers to analyze and execute a diverse set of projects, certain necessary initiatives — like implementing new technology or expanding into new markets — just can’t happen.

Program management involves overseeing many interrelated projects. After analyzing a certain problem a company is having, a program manager researches and draws up a thorough plan to confront what needs to be changed. Because of the complexity of these plans, programs can often take well over a year to fully execute.

Often, these new programs involve bringing about an important change to a company’s operation. In these cases, it’s imperative to have someone who understands both the particular dilemma that needs fixing as well as the particulars of overseeing a large team that can pursue the issue at hand. 

Ajay Chandra has worked for large, multinational corporations in a variety of industries, including retail, pharmaceuticals, and finance. With his expertise in technology, he’s been able to lead programs in digital transformation that have been successfully implemented in over 22 countries. 

His career is a testament to the power of discovering and adopting new technologies. His advice in program management can help empower anyone in any industry to optimize projects and achieve growth wherever it’s needed.

Planning for change and success

Program management is a level up from project management. Instead of tracking a single project from start to finish, program managers look at the general scope of a company, consider what can be changed and updated, and figure out how to enact and watch over a series of interrelated projects. They’re also in charge of ensuring that all of this work aligns with the organization’s overall objectives and that all team members are working hard and building towards something together.

Before beginning all of these tasks, good program managers have to employ a rigorous analysis of the business and its particular needs, and ask some key questions: What, exactly, should be changed? Why should it be changed, and how? What can be achieved after this change is made? What is the ROI — the return on investment?

When it comes to the ROI, Ajay Chandra stresses that this investment can’t just be financial. While saving money is a worthwhile goal, it’s also important for a company to return on its investment in its employees. Team members should come away from a completed program with a deepened skill set that they can put to use in the future.

Once a program manager has come to understand both the problem and its best solution, they’ll need to present their ideas to different company executives and stakeholders. At this stage, managers should come prepared with a thorough case plan — they should expect to provide answers to those key questions. 

For Chandra, these presentations are a great opportunity to lead a series of discussions with important company leaders. His experience has taught him that every business case and every stakeholder is different; it’s important to modify your approach based on the company you’re talking about, and the person you’re talking to. 

Presenting yourself well and preparing well are crucial, too. Courtesy goes a long way. In dealing with major stakeholders, program managers should feel confident in their ideas, and they should be motivated to explore these ideas in an open, engaging, and friendly discussion. Everyone at the table has the company’s interests in mind, and internalizing this will make for excellent, successful presentations. 

Evaluating all options

Program managers often have a deep knowledge of a niche subject. They’re called upon to suggest changes to this part of a company. Ajay Chandra’s expert understanding of technology has enabled him to lead programs at many different companies, like Sephora and the World Bank, reevaluating their IT and HR systems to maximize efficiency and employ the most up-to-date tech.

Chandra emphasizes staying current with the research in whatever field a program manager specializes in. He has involved himself deeply in technological research, publishing papers about enhancing security and privacy in industrial IoT and medical systems. His work has also enabled him to develop expertise in human resources, supply chains, and manufacturing. In these different fields, he’s worked to understand the latest technological advancements and their applications in various industries.

Most recently, Chandra has led digital transformation for a satellite and communication giant. He used the latest advancements in machine learning to tighten data security. And since the company supports the US government, privacy is key. Instead of sticking to the legacy system, he employed new tech to better serve the company’s important clients.

Keeping up with research enables program managers to evaluate different options for change in an effective manner. When the mission of a given operational program is accomplished, the company will thrive.

Fostering a successful team

A program manager will lead a large team of coordinators and project managers, and often they’ll need tech experts like software developers and engineers. The different tasks at hand require effective delegation, so a program manager should be adept at overseeing many employees.

According to Ajay Chandra, leaders ought to inspire those working under them to be leaders in their own right. Workers shouldn’t just focus on the assigned answers to problems; they should research, get creative, and try to come up with other potential solutions. Exploration is important.

In his experience, effective program management grants team members the freedom to pursue avenues for development. This means that someone who has been assigned a certain task can have the flexibility to take on different projects or explore new ways to fix something. As a tech expert, Chandra always wants those working under him to research new technologies—this can lead to new ideas and better results.

Chandra believes that “as the team grows, the manager grows.” The best program managers don’t just hand out work; they learn from those working for them, too.

Taking chances

In changing some major element of a company — from organizational management to digital transformation — there is always a risk. Good program managers should evaluate the positives and negatives of a potential change before they begin. There are often drawbacks involved in initiating a major shift, but there are also drawbacks involved in keeping things the same.

In his work, Ajay Chandra has strived to keep an open mind. His consistent research and curiosity about new developments in technology has helped him oversee many successful initiatives in many different fields. Most recently, he’s taken an interest in AI, which can help companies become quicker and more efficient by automating processes, analyzing data, and finding strategic recommendations.

The values of a given company should always be considered. But it’s also important to stay flexible in seeing objectives through. Chandra emphasizes an openness to change and risk, and his body of work is a testament to these principles.

Effective program management for everything from cosmetics to satellite communications
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