Ramin Karimloo talks about ‘Bound’ and ‘Funny Girl’ on Broadway


Ramin Karimloo in ‘Bound.’ Photo Courtesy of Isaac Hirotsu Woofter

Tony-nominated actor Ramin Karimloo (“Les Misérables”) chatted about “Bound” and “Funny Girl” on Broadway.


The synopsis of the film is: In order to escape her drug dealing abusive stepfather, a young introvert flees to New York City. After successfully reinventing herself, she realizes she must confront her dark past, to truly be free.

“Bound” was written and directed by Isaac Hirotsu Woofter.

On being a part of “Bound,” he said, “It was great but it feels like a lifetime ago now. It’s funny how time stood still for a while. It seems like a lifetime ago, but it still feels like last week.”

“It was intense to shoot this as well because it has a theater essence to it, where you have longer takes and no time to mess around. You dive into the prep more, and as actors, we get together and we get to do these longer takes. It felt more theatrical at times, that’s what I loved about it too,” he elaborated.

“While I don’t necessarily watch myself, I’ve seen clips and it  breathes still; it is not rushed,” he said. “I liked that too because as actors, the most interesting things is what happens between lines and what you don’t see.

“You watch Brian Cox in ‘Succession’ and he is the king of that,” he noted. “It is what he doesn’t say that speaks volumes.”

“If you let the audience do the work, then they are involved and they come up with their own personal journey for it that is not spoon-fed to them,” he said. “If you stick to your authentic self that will pay off.”

‘Funny Girl’ on Broadway

On being a part of “Funny Girl” on Broadway, Karimloo said, “My proudest memories include performing at the sold-out Royal Albert Hall, as well as doing physical comedy.”

“I’ve always loved comedy and I always wanted to do physical comedy because that is what spoke to me as a kid, growing up,” he said. “The Broadway musical ‘Funny Girl’ allowed me to do that, physically and with such a great book.”

“Lea Michele was so generous as a scene partner,” he noted. “I loved watching her have the audience in the palm of her hand, and to be a part of those scenes with her was just incredible. To hear laughter like that some nights with Lea was so incredible that it would stop the show. Man, that’s the best drug right there.”

Karimloo had great words about veteran actress Tovah Feldshuh, who was also a part of “Funny Girl.” “Tovah Feldshuh was so great to work with, and she had many wonderful stories to share,” he said.

The digital age

On being an actor in the digital age, Karimloo said, “There are more platforms, more work, and hopefully, there is room for all types of films and content, so it’s great.”

“I think it’s all a good thing because it brings you to a wider audience quicker. As long as it allows content like ‘Bound’ to be made, there is room for all of us,” he added.

Advice for young and aspiring actors

For young and aspiring actors, Karimloo said, “Never stop learning. Never let your ego rest on its laurels. It is not about meeting expectations; it is about exceeding them. That comes by your own integrity and to know what your growth potential is.”

“The more you learn, the more that potential grows. For me, knowledge and growth both inspire me. The more I allow myself to do that, the more it feels good, and the more inspired I feel,” he added.

2014 Tony nomination for ‘Best Actor in a Musical’

Back in 2014, he earned a Tony nomination for “Best Actor in a Musical” for his performance in “Les Misérables.”

“That seems like a lifetime ago,” he admitted. “Honestly, I didn’t even know I was nominated until my buddy from England woke me up and phoned me about it. I thought that was cool and I went back to sleep because I was tired, and I had a show that night.”

“While it was cool to be a part of all that, at the end of the day, I want to make sure that I keep getting to do what I love,” he acknowledged.

Stage of his life

On the title of the current chapter of his life, he said, “Growth.”

“I am definitely going through a renaissance in my life. I’m feeling more ambitious and energized than ever,” he said.

Superpower of choice

His superpower of choice would be “to fly” even though he may not necessarily like “flying.” “Time travel would be cool too,” he said.


Regarding his definition of the word success, Karimloo said, “Doing something that you love so that you never have to work a day in your life. To be able to do all that and still support my family is a success.”

“On a personal level, if you are in line with your purpose in life where your talent and your service to others align, then that is a great recipe for success,” he added.

To learn more about Ramin Karimloo, follow him on Instagram and visit his official website.

Ramin Karimloo talks about ‘Bound’ and ‘Funny Girl’ on Broadway
#Ramin #Karimloo #talks #Bound #Funny #Girl #Broadway

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