Zach Justice discusses his ‘Dropouts Podcast,’ future plans, and the digital age


Zach Justice. Photo Courtesy of Dropouts Media.

Social influencer and comedian Zach Justice discussed his “Dropouts Podcast,” future plans, and being a part of the digital age.

Margaret Mead once said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” This quote applies to Zach Justice.

Background on Zach Justice

Zach Justice is the comedian and host of “Dropouts Podcast,” which is one of the most listened-to podcasts in the world, and also boasts over six million followers across social media and in excess of one million subscribers on YouTube.

He recently wrapped a U.S. tour where he sold out venues across the country. “Dropouts Podcast,” created by Zach Justice four years ago, consistently tops the podcast charts, and regularly features the biggest comedians and social media stars such as Josh Richards, Chris Olsen, and Chris Distefano, among others.

Each week, he hilariously breaks down trending pop culture headlines. 

Justice on the idea for the ‘Dropouts Podcast’

On the idea for his “Dropouts Podcast,” he said, “I originally started a show called ‘Zach’s Diner’ where I would bring on guests and we would joke around.”

“Then, the pandemic hit, and we had all of this equipment but no guests. We decided to shelter in and not go crazy by talking on the Internet,” he said.

Regarding his daily inspirations as a podcaster and comedian, Justice said, “Being able to connect with people who aren’t in the room, and to be able to evoke emotions in others who need a friend in their ear.”

“It is pretty wonderful that we do funny and silly things, and it is so great to hear from people that I help them get through their day. I find that to be a blessing and very inspiring, and it has been fun,” he said.

His “Dropouts” podcast is available on YouTube by clicking here.

Career-defining moments

On his career-defining moments, he shared, “Dropping out of college, taking a leap, and vetting on myself. I’ve been blessed to be presented with a series of challenges that have given me the opportunity to do what I love. Every day is a new challenge but I feel lucky in that capacity.”

Future plans

Regarding his future plans, he said, “To continue to grow my media company and starting some other podcasts and other ways to garner an audience. I am casting right now for a movie that I wrote, and we are in talks of doing a documentary soon.”

“We just have a ton of wonderful things that we have going on, and I am excited to explore,” he added.

The digital age

On being a part of the digital age, Justice said, “I don’t really know any other way. It would have been nice to be a famous movie star in the ’60s where people would be waiting for your movie to come out because there would be nothing else to consume, and people would be excited about it.”

“Now, there is a little bit of a rat race and people forget if you don’t post in an hour, so we realize we need to keep on top of it. We also stay authentic with this much content that we put out,” he added.

Advice he would give his younger self

He revealed the advice he would give his younger self. “I would say: ‘when you have an idea, commit action to it immediately.’ You will do better by getting out there and running, if you want to do a marathon, than reading about it.”

“Get your feet under you, and keep plugging away. You will learn more doing it than reading about it,” he added.

For young and emerging podcasters and comedians, he said, “It’s a culmination of not stopping.”

“According to the math, 99 percent of podcasts don’t make it past the 10th show. If you want to start a podcast, it’s about making the next one better, and don’t judge yourself on a timeline. I guarantee you will make some beautiful strides that way,” he elaborated.

Stage of his life

On the title of the current chapter of his life, he said, “Implementing the Education.” “I’ve done a lot of learning, made a lot of mistakes, but I think I am blazing a path I can walk down more easier.”

“The best thing about being my age is that I am still youthful enough to chase something. That seems pretty fun,” he admitted.

Superpower of choice

If he were to have any superpower, it would be “teleportation.” “There are a lot of East Coast restaurants I miss and I would love to go there for lunch; that’s the big thing,” he said.

Favorite mottos to live by

On his favorite mottos to live by, he said, “Nobody really knows what they are doing, so be kind, have empathy and work hard on whatever you want it to be.”


Regarding his definition of success, he said, “Success is whatever makes you fulfilled personally. I don’t think success needs to have a monetary value.”

“If you put your head on your pillow at night, and you feel like you’ve accomplished something or you had a good day when it came to your friends and your relationships. If you bring positivity into a room that feels like success,” he explained.

“Life is very finite so if you can give a glimmer of hope to the next generation, then that’s not a bad thing to do,” he added.

Message for his fans

For his fans, he remarked, “Thank you, they know how appreciative I am. Though I may not know their name or face or be able to identify each and every one of them, as a collective, I am rooting for them in their daily lives.”

“The fans do not go unnoticed; they are not just a number. To me, the fans are their own entity, and I enjoy giving them positive energy to grow. The fans make me very happy,” he concluded.

To learn more about Zach Justice, follow him on Instagram and TikTok.

Zach Justice discusses his ‘Dropouts Podcast,’ future plans, and the digital age
#Zach #Justice #discusses #Dropouts #Podcast #future #plans #digital #age

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