Meet DeMarcus Shawn: Comedian and social influencer


DeMarcus Shawn. Photo Credit: Steven Connor

DeMarcus Shawn chatted about his inspirations, and being a part of the digital age.

Comedic inspirations

On his inspirations for his comedic routine, he revealed, “Exploring life and getting real life experiences so that I can convey them on screen.”

The digital age

On being an influencer and comic in the digital age, he said, “It seems unreal to think that we live in a day and age that an influencer can be an actual job; so I’m always inspired when I see so many creatives in a field that they truly love.”

He opened up about his transition from Starbucks to being a social media sensation. “I worked at Starbucks during COVID, and I decided to take a break from that just because I wanted a switch in careers and by coincidence, TikTok became a career for me,” he explained.

Advice for young and aspiring comedians and content creators

For young and emerging comedians and content creators, he said, “Everybody has a passion and talent, but figure out that one thing that you are truly good at and perfect it because once you do that, you can turn that into content.”

“Through that, you can inspire others to do what they truly love,” he added.

Future plans

On his future plans, he stated, “My mind ever shifts and changes and so just like my mind my future does as well, so I am never truly set on what the future may bring, but I’m always ready to tackle it no matter what it is good or bad.”

When asked about his career-defining moments, he responded, “At the moment, no just because I think I’m still trying to figure out who I am, and so it’s very hard for me to try to picture moments that would define me when I don’t even truly know who I am yet.”


Regarding his definition of success, he shared, “Success, to me, means that I’ve done everything that I truly wanted to do and I am happy with the results of that.”

Message for his fans

For his fans, he expressed, “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make your day a little bit better and to also help bring joy to me and my family!” 

To learn more about DeMarcus Shawn, follow him on Instagram and TikTok.

Meet DeMarcus Shawn: Comedian and social influencer
#Meet #DeMarcus #Shawn #Comedian #social #influencer

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