Interview: Sloan Hooks talks about being a social influencer in the digital age


Sloan Hooks. Photo Courtesy of Sloan Hooks.

Internet personality and investigative journalist Sloan Hooks chatted about being a part of the digital age.

In the rapidly evolving media landscape, Hooks is at the forefront of transforming the traditional tabloid industry into a digital powerhouse.

How does it feel to be an influencer in the digital age?

It’s a wild ride! On one hand, it’s exciting to have this immediate connection to such a large audience, and on the other hand, it can be a lot of pressure to keep up with everything.

The digital space moves so fast, but what keeps me going is knowing that I’m creating conversations that matter. Nothing beats hitting the streets, connecting with subscribers, and feeling the outcomes of building this platform. 

What motivates you each day?

Honestly, my audience motivates me. Knowing that people trust me to tell stories and give a voice to those who might otherwise go unheard really drives me.

Plus, there’s always something new to uncover in the entertainment world, and I love the challenge of diving deep into it. It’s about making sure I continue to create meaningful content while pushing the boundaries of what’s typically covered in pop culture.

What do your plans for the future include?

I’m working on expanding into more long-form content, like documentaries that tackle the darker sides of Hollywood. There’s so much that doesn’t get talked about, and I want to bring those stories to light.

And, of course, continuing to build out my podcast and deepen my connection with my audience.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

In five years, I see myself moving into more mainstream media. I’d love to produce larger-scale documentaries and maybe even host a show that dives into deeper topics in the entertainment world.

I’m also interested in writing and contributing to more traditional outlets, like US Weekly or E!. But at the heart of it all, I just want to continue growing as a storyteller and advocate.

Were there any moments that helped define you in your career?

The Free Britney movement was definitely a defining moment for me. It was more than just covering a story… It was about advocating for someone’s human rights.

Being part of something that made such a significant impact on both public opinion and legal outcomes was surreal. It showed me the real power of what we do, and it pushed me to keep going deeper into stories that need to be told.

What is your advice for people that wish to go into pop culture journalism?

Stay curious and be patient. Building credibility takes time, and you have to be consistent in your work. Don’t just chase the hot takes—focus on the stories that really matter, and tell them with integrity.

Engage with your audience and stay true to your voice because that’s what will set you apart in such a crowded space.

What does the word success mean to you?

At the end of the day it’s not just about numbers or recognition—it’s about creating content that resonates with people and sparks real conversations.

If my work helps bring attention to important issues or gives a platform to voices that need to be heard, then I consider that a success.

What would you like to say to your fans?

Thank you! Seriously, the support I’ve received from my audience is what keeps me going. You guys push me to keep creating, keep digging, and keep advocating for the stories that matter.

I wouldn’t be here without you, and I’m beyond grateful for this community we’ve built together. Let’s keep it going!

To learn more about Sloan Hooks, check out his YouTube channel, official homepage, and follow him on Instagram.

Interview: Sloan Hooks talks about being a social influencer in the digital age
#Interview #Sloan #Hooks #talks #social #influencer #digital #age

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