Op-Ed: Death by euphemism – Immigration reality vs politics


The poem from 19th-century activist and poet Emma Lazarus “New Colossus” is engraved on the base of New York’s Statue of Liberty as an ode to US immigrants – Copyright GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA/AFP/File Michael M. Santiago

You’d think that the tsunami of desperate people trying to emigrate was some sort of holiday for them. 3.6% of the world’s population, 281 million people are on the move. It might just be the only move available for most of them. You don’t hear a damn thing about the realities, usually.

People emigrate from poverty, repressive regimes, overpopulated countries, and that’s been happening since the Stone Age. Apparently, it’s a novel idea to the world’s ridiculous and pathetically educated politicians. That’s the whole story. Pathetic as usual, and likely to be fatal to a lot of people.

It’s a self-inflicted problem for the West, which has just noticed it’s about to run out of workers.  

The West allowed these countries to fall to bits for decades. It then exploited them with microscopic wages. Remember outsourcing? Those issues have just added incentives to leave. There are definitely no incentives to stay.

Let’s get unfashionably honest for a moment. Would you stay in a rathole if you could avoid it? Neither would they. There are no incomprehensible elements in this equation.

Moving to extremely expensive, hopelessly mismanaged Western countries is a highly debatable idea. It could create more problems than it solves. One of the reasons for the sharp population decline in the West is the insane costs of everything.

Millennials and Gen Z aren’t having kids, and the significance of that folksy little catastrophe seems to have eluded our political geniuses. These generations are broke and getting broker. Their kids, the Alphas, aren’t likely to be exactly rich, either.

Illegal immigration, like everything else, is being managed largely by organized crime. It’s yet another cash cow for crime created by politics, and of course they’re not worrying about economic issues. Legal immigration rackets aren’t unknown, either.  

No doubt there are useless overcompensating morons with a plan to take over the world and replace it with useless overcompensating morons, etc., etc.


At the risk of actually and therefore unfashionably addressing an issue:

This all seems to be OK with someone. Even by the bottomless standards of this substandard joke of a century, it’s hideous. These are whole generations of bad calls being made worse.

As a narrative to history, when the raccoons finally take over, it’ll be a blueprint for how not to run anything. The trash pandas will get PhDs based on theses about how humans were so stupid.

There is no reason to believe that any sort of competence, and certainly no sanity, will prevail in the global economy. Anti-immigration is the crack cocaine of the right. They’ll just keep squeaking about how awful it all is.

The left, aka the only side that has the qualifications communications skills, or inclinations to do anything at all, doesn’t seem to do much. Speaking in euphemisms doesn’t seem to be cutting it, does it?  There’s not even a sense of direction, just soft-sell feel-good verbiage amid the ruins.

The other side has an excuse; they’re morons. They thrive on getting paid to be morons and for refusing to admit to the existence of thermodynamics. They like living in disgusting, degenerate, ultra-toxic, crime-ridden wastelands in the name of a bit of cash. They’re anti-survival, even their own.  

It’s pretty undemanding to be a right-winger.

Hence the expression, “Buckwits”.

The left doesn’t have that ever-so-elegant excuse or such lofty aspirations. What is needed for immigration is planning with properly mapped-out models. This will need to be backed up by a long-term funding and management strategy that’s absolutely idiot-proof.

You know; like someone with half a brain cell was involved at some point in the process?

Meanwhile, prices aren’t going down.  Decades of neglect and mismanagement have come home to roost. Two futureless generations and another on the way won’t be grateful.

“Pity the poor immigrant”, indeed because you may well be joining them at this rate.

Op-Ed: Death by euphemism – Immigration reality vs politics
#OpEd #Death #euphemism #Immigration #reality #politics

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