All For Metal talks about their new album ‘Gods Of Metal (Year Of The Dragon)’


All For Metal. Photo Credit: Christina Schmoger

Jassy, the guitarist of the band All For Metal, chatted about their new album “Gods Of Metal (Year Of The Dragon).”

How did you approach the song selection process for the new album “Gods Of Metal (Year Of The Dragon)“?

The process is in deep collaboration with Antonio, Tetzel, Elephant Music, Hardy Krech and Jochen Richert. They collaborate closely to keep the vision we have with All For Metal for our fans around the globe. 

What is your personal favorite song on there and why?

That might be a par between “Gods Of Metal” and “Valkyries In The Sky.” The first song is the title track – obviously – but also the most anthem-like tune on the record.

When we premiered “Gods of Metal” live in our setlist for the Lordi tour, the crowds were extremely fast at catching the chorus to chant along. This was real magic happening. It’s extremely fun to play as well!

“Valkyries In The Sky” is something we as All For Metal stand for. Metal music is bringing people together and as this was the first collaboration we ever did with other musicians, it’s fond to my heart.

Laura Guldemond has some serious harsh and powerful vocals and Tim Hansen’s solo fits perfectly to the arrangement. That song just flows.

Were you going for a certain theme for this album?

Yes! The idea was to pay tribute to the “Year Of The Dragon.” With All For Metal we try to explore different cultures and fantasy worlds with each record and as the dragon is one of the fantasy icons, it was natural that the far eastern lands would be the next stop for our journey. 

What inspires your music and songwriting?

To list all the influences might explode the complete interview. We are all nerds in the band and this is why the inspiration is very vast/broad and multi-dimensional.

Let it be bands, video games, movies, mythology. It all comes together at Elephant Music Studios.

What do your plans for the future include?

We try to explore more fantasy worlds with our upcoming records as well as trying to collaborate with more artists! The sails are already set for a new chapter. Currently we are gathering some ideas for just that.

Ideally we try to reach our fans around the globe, so some tours outside Europe – maybe the US, Japan, Latin America, are definitely a goal we want to reach. 

Besides that we constantly try to enhance our show both visually and audibly. Different types of pyros, stage props, better equipment, more costumes, more stage acting in work with our showgirls – these are all small factors that will be enhancing the big picture of All For Metal.

Sometimes you do dream about some things like an AFM cartoon, stickers, whatever gimmick would make a fan’s heart jump. Presently, we are just happy about all the lovely support our fans show to us in all different countries. It’s amazing and we are incredibly thankful for that.

How does it feel to be a band in the digital age? (Now with streaming, technology and social media being so prevalent)

It’s definitely a challenge! The common stereotype of a musician: Hey I see you on stage, you have fun and the rest of the day you practice your instrument and chill.

But there is so much more happening behind the scenes. For example when we returned from the last festival run, we had a 18 hours travel day alone.

You do music video shootings, write and record music, organize a lot of different things, take care of social media, take care of your fans.

We had a huge crowd funding campaign that kept us busy while still maintaining a private life also, haha. It’s a constant grind on every level and it feels you have to be so much more on those social platforms than back in the days like during the 90s and 2000s.

On the other hand social media is an important tool for visibility and distributing you art. Mastering that one is a craft on its own for sure.

The engine keeps pumping each single day so to speak. Always.

What is your advice for young and aspiring musicians?

Fight and believe in your dreams and never let anyone or any setback extinguish your flame. Stay humble, stay true to your soul and work hard on yourself and your skills. Be kind, respectful and take constructive criticism.

There are people who are willing to grow with you, you just need to find them. Don’t think you can manage everything alone and also think of every challenge as an opportunity to learn.

Most importantly everything is a matter of perspective, find true connections and grow as a person. You got the power and if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. – Marty McFly.

Which artists would you like to do a dream collab with someday?

I guess this is a subject to change and something very personal to each single one of us in the band. If I speak solely for myself, I would love to have a crazy cross-over with Dark Tranquillity , The Halo Effect, In Flames, Kataklysm – you got the idea of me being a Melodeath Fan, right? haha. If this works with All For Metal. We need to try.

As for the band Wind Rose, Feuerschwanz, Hammerfall, Brothers Of Metal, Battle Beast, Beast In Black, Burning Witches, Amon Amarth, Angus McSix. Orden Ogan, Saltatio Mortis and many of these fine people in our genre might be amazing fits! The list is endless.

What would you like to tell our readers about “Gods Of Metal (Year Of The Dragon)”?

Have fun with this one! “Like Thor And Loki” was even inspired by our lovely fans who compared Tetzel and Antonio to them.

We are very excited about the reception and if you have anything you want to tell us, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Instagram! 

It’s definitely a very special record for us and we cannot wait to present it live to all of you. Metal music connects people, so sit back, relax, have a beer with your friends and vibe the hell out to our new songs! Hallelujah to the Gods of Metal!

To learn more about All For Metal, check out their official website, and follow them on Instagram.

All For Metal talks about their new album ‘Gods Of Metal (Year Of The Dragon)’
#Metal #talks #album #Gods #Metal #Year #Dragon

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