Workplace trends: Which occupations have the best workplace protections?


Construction at a factory. — Image by © Tim Sandle.

A new study analyses the careers with the best workplace protections, taken from the perspective of the U.S. labour market. This assessment shows that firefighters lead the ranking of the best workplace protections with high rate of work and life insurance, major union representation and the lowest unemployment rate of 0.36 percent.

Taking a different occupation, anaesthesiologists stand out with the highest median salary over $200,000 yearly. Whereas, accountants and actuaries get the best life and health insurance, with over 90 percent of workers covered by work insurances.

What else does the data reveal? A recent study conducted by J&Y Law analysed over 15 industries to rank the careers with the best workplace protections. The study uses reports by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, comparing nonfatal and fatal injury rates across industries as well as union representation. Union representation rate helps to see how well workers’ interests are defended. 

Additionally, the study makes use of the unemployment rate, median salary and health insurance provided by Zippia, Smartest Dollar and Statista.

A summary of the data reveals:

Profession Unemployment rate Changing jobs in 1-2 years Median salary, yearly Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses rate per 100 Fatal injury rate by occupation per 100K Union representation rate (by industry) Life Insurance rate (by industry) Health insurance (by industry) Score
Firefighter 0.36% 24% $50,700 2.1 10.2 32.0% 79% 85% 50.0
Actuary 0.50% 33% $120,000 0.5 0.4 2.3% 90% 94% 46.33
Patrol Officer 3.50% 31% $64,610 1.3 10.2 34.3% 79% 85% 46.14
Commercial Pilot 2.30% 26% $113,080 1.1 35.9 14.4% 74% 89% 41.41
HR manager 1.70% 35% $136,350 0.3 0.8 4.9% 78% 87% 40.82
Accountant 2.70% 37% $79,880 0.1 0.9 4.7% 90% 94% 40.55
Archivist 5.50% 33% $103,000 1.9 0.7 36.5% 69% 73% 40.36
Medical coder 3.30% 29% $47,180 0.1 0.1 13.1% 74% 89% 40.13
Anesthesiologist 0.61% 27% $208,000 4.5 0.7 7.8% 63% 78% 40.02
Paralegal 4.00% 36% $60,970 0.1 0.9 6.6% 90% 94% 39.41

As indicated above, the career with the best workplace protections is firefighting, gaining the maximum score of 50. Being one of a few dangerous professions on the list, it provides life and health insurance for most of the workers.

Over 32 percent of the firefighters are represented by unions, the third-largest rate in the ranking. Additionally, firefighters have the lowest unemployment rate in the study and only 24 percent of people change careers after 1 or 2 years of work.

Actuaries take the second place in the ranking of the careers with the best workplace protections, gaining a score of 46.33. Actuaries follow firefighters closely with the second-lowest unemployment rate of 0.5 percent. This career path offers higher salary and work insurance even with the low risks of work accidents.

Patrol officers follow closely with the third place and 46.14 score. Over 34 percent of them are represented by unions and patrol officers have high rates of life and health insurance, 79% and 85% accordingly. Their salaries are also higher than for firefighters, amounting to $64,000 yearly.

Commercial pilots are fourth with a score of 41.41. Another dangerous profession that has the highest industry fatal injury rate but it is compensated by strong health and life insurance and major presence of unions. 

HR managers hold the fifth place in the ranking of the careers with best workplace protections, offering safe environment and insurance coverage. HR managers also have the second-highest salary in the list, earning $136,000 yearly. Their unemployment is also low with 1.7 percent, lower than for pilots or patrol officers.

Workplace trends: Which occupations have the best workplace protections?
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