Glenn Rottmann talks about being a hypnotherapist and coach in the digital age


Hypnotherapist Glenn Rottman. Photo Credit: Natasha Wilson.

Glenn Rottmann is a hypnotherapist, public speaker, trainer, executive coach and pilot. He spoke about his latest endeavors, motivations, and the digital age.

Daily inspirations

On his daily inspirations as a hypnotherapist, he said, “Being able to share my work and my passion for Hypnotherapy to help people make life altering changes in their life.”

“Between my online community, and working with clients one on one, it always inspires me to keep sharing my message, reaching more people, and helping more people,” he said.

He is drawn to his job because he is his own boss. “Also, that I am a positive part of so many people’s lives, and that I get to do a job that really is all about sharing my gifts,” he said.

The biggest misconception people have about hypnotherapy

Rottmann addressed the biggest misconception people have about him being a hypnotherapist.

“The biggest misconception is that it’s some sort of mind control,” he admitted. “Or that it only works on weak minded people or somehow it is a negative spiritual thing. When hypnotherapy is absolutely not mind control, it’s an ability we all have to use our subconscious mind to make amazing changes in our lives.”

“Hypnotherapy is just the tool that gets us to that place where we can make those changes within ourself. Hypnotherapy is something you do with someone not to someone,” he acknowledged.

The digital age

On being a part of the digital age, Rottmann said, “Social media has truly allowed me to share my gift. Between the YouTubers that I’ve worked with and my own social media, I’ve got to expose people to the work that I do.”

“People that I never would’ve been able to reach without having digital technology. Even being able to work with clients one on one all over the world over video chats. This was something never possible in the past,” he explained.

Using technology in his daily routine

Regarding his use of technology in his daily routine, he shared, “I use it maybe too much. Every morning I get up, check emails, then I conduct my session on Zoom.”

“I am using my online platform to connect with my subscribers,” he said. I use social media to share and connect. I also use a lot of tech. Recording and uploading my Hypnotherapy Sessions into my Hypno Vault, then using tech to edit… I no longer have an office, I do everything with tech now.

Advice for young and emerging hypnotherapists

For young and aspiring hypnotherapists, he said, “To start working with people immediately. Too many hypnotherapists wait and think they’re going to get good at their craft by just reading books and studying.”

“You have to study and work with people at the same time. This isn’t something you can get good at, unless you are actively and consistently working with others. Don’t be afraid to fail and just jump in,” he said.

Career-defining moments

On his career-defining moments, he shared, “When I was going to Hypnotherapy school, before I even got out of school. I had the opportunity to hypnotize a famous YouTube star.”

He continued, “This was the first time I’ve ever done something like this, I didn’t know how it was going to go in front of the cameras, I didn’t know who was going to be there and I was terrified that if it didn’t work or if I wasn’t experienced enough to make it work I would look like a complete amateur and a fool.”

“I was literally shaking inside, but I was able to tap into an inner confidence that help me not show my nervousness,” he noted. “It went better than I could’ve ever planned. I had her eat an onion, and made her believe it was a delicious sweet apple. That truly was the onion that gave me a new career!”

“It went to eight million views then another management called me and that video went to 20 million views and it just kept coming. Next thing you know colleges were calling me because they wanted the guy on YouTube to come to their college and then clients started calling me to work with them individually,” he elaborated.

“Then, I started to become so in demand that I created my online community called The Hypno Vault, so I could share the work that I do with more people than I could work with one on one,” he said.

“It all started because of that onion, that was for sure the defining moment in my career. That came from me not being afraid to fail, and putting myself out there even when I was uncertain,” he explained.


On his definition of success, he remarked, “I don’t just have one definition for success, I have several: When I get an email from a client letting me know how the sessions in The Hypno Vault (my online community) has changed their life.”

“Also, feeling connected to myself, and living in my purpose, which is something I get to do every single day,” he noted.

“Being able to enjoy beautiful moments with my family and go to beautiful places because of the career that I’ve created for myself,” he said.

“Finally, knowing that the world will be a better place, because of the work that I’ve done,” he concluded.

To learn more about Glenn Rottmann, check out his official website, and follow him on Instagram.

Glenn Rottmann talks about being a hypnotherapist and coach in the digital age
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