Gabriel Sultan, Hector Castro, and Daniel Benarroch lead Equity Lending Solutions to $1 billion milestone


Photo courtesy of Gabriel Sultan, Hector Castro, and Daniel Benarroch

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Gabriel Sultan, Hector Castro, and Daniel Benarroch, co-founders of Equity Lending Solutions, have built a company that offers more than just financial products; it provides solutions tailored to the unique needs of its clients. Based in Miami, Equity Lending Solutions specializes in fix-and-flip loans, ground-up construction loans, bridge loans, and Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) loans, with a focus on serving not only local but also foreign national customers. 

The success of Equity Lending Solutions speaks for itself. In four years, despite significant challenges (hello worldwide pandemic and historically high interest rates), the company has passed $1 billion in loans and is ranked second in Florida and 28th nationwide in private lending.

Here is a quick peek at the products offered by Equity Lending Solutions.

For real estate investors looking to purchase, renovate, and sell properties quickly, Equity Lending Solutions offers fix-and-flip loans. These short-term loans provide the necessary capital to buy and refurbish properties, allowing investors to complete projects efficiently. “Our fix-and-flip loans are designed to help investors turn properties around swiftly, maximizing their profits,” explains Castro. These loans are particularly beneficial for those who need fast access to funds without the lengthy approval processes typical of traditional banks.

Equity Lending Solutions also provides ground-up construction loans, ideal for builders planning new construction projects. These loans cover the costs associated with building new properties, from purchasing land to construction expenses. “We support builders by offering financing that covers the entire construction process, so they can focus on completing their projects without financial constraints,” says Castro. This type of loan is crucial for developers looking to capitalize on the booming real estate market.

For clients who need immediate financing to bridge the gap between buying a new property and selling an existing one, Equity Lending Solutions offers bridge loans. These short-term loans provide the necessary liquidity to make new purchases while waiting for the sale of current properties. “Bridge loans are perfect for those in transitional phases, offering the financial flexibility needed to seize new opportunities without waiting for old ones to close,” Castro explains.

Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) loans cater to real estate investors who purchase properties for rental income. These loans are evaluated based on the property’s income potential rather than the borrower’s personal income, making them accessible to a broader range of investors. “Our DSCR loans allow clients to leverage rental income for financing, facilitating long-term investments in the rental market,” says Castro. This product is particularly attractive to investors looking to expand their rental property portfolios.

One of the key benefits of working with Equity Lending Solutions is their deep understanding of the Hispanic Investors market. “Sixty percent of our clients are Spanish-speaking,” notes Castro, a transplant from Venezuela himself. “We ensure that our clients feel understood and supported throughout the loan process.” By providing services in Spanish, among other languages, Equity Lending Solutions helps clients navigate the complexities of private lending with ease.

At the heart of Equity Lending Solutions’ approach is a commitment to transparency and client care. Castro emphasizes the importance of strategically partnering with clients rather than merely lending money. “We don’t just provide loans; we partner with our clients to ensure their success,” by providing them specific expertise,  market knowledge, and financing solutions, he states. This philosophy is evident in their high client retention rate, with 80% of their clients returning for future loans.

Equity Lending Solutions places a strong emphasis on educating clients about their loan products. “We believe that informed clients make better decisions,” Castro explains. “We take the time to ensure our clients understand how to use our products effectively.” This educational approach helps clients avoid potential pitfalls associated with short-term loans, ensuring they have a clear path to financial success.

Transparency is a cornerstone of Equity Lending Solutions’ business model. “Our biggest asset is transparency,” says Castro. “We are upfront with our clients, even if the truth isn’t always what they want to hear.” This honesty builds trust and ensures that clients are making informed decisions about their financial futures.

Looking ahead, Equity Lending Solutions aims to become the top private lender in the country. “We’re opening offices in Austin, Houston, Orlando, and Charlotte,” Castro shares. “Our goal is to bring our services to more markets and educate more consumers about the benefits of private lending.”

Equity Lending Solutions offers a range of financial products designed to meet the diverse needs of real estate investors. With a commitment to transparency, client care, and education, the company stands out as a trustworthy partner in the private lending industry. For all our clients Equity Lending Solutions provides a welcoming and supportive environment, ensuring they have access to the financial tools needed for success. “If I can do it, so can you,” says Castro. “We’re here to help our clients achieve their goals with honesty and integrity.”

For more information about Equity Lending Solutions and their services, please visit or contact Hector Castro.

Gabriel Sultan, Hector Castro, and Daniel Benarroch lead Equity Lending Solutions to $1 billion milestone
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