Courtney Hope talks about her 2024 Emmy win for ‘The Young and The Restless’


Courtney Hope holding her 2024 Daytime Emmy Award. Photo Courtesy of CBS.

Actress Courtney Hope chatted about her 2024 Emmy win for “The Young and The Restless” on CBS.

Courtney Hope on her Daytime Emmy win

Hope won for “Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series” for playing Sally Spectra.

“That felt amazing. It was very exciting,” she said about her Emmy win. “It felt really good because I really wanted to do justice to the storyline, so it was nice to get recognized for it.”

Courtney Hope praised her on-screen acting partners Mark Grossman and Joshua Morrow

“Mark Grossman and Joshua Morrow were amazing to work with,” she said. “I couldn’t have done this storyline alone, so it was nice to play off of them. They are both incredible,” she exclaimed.

“I was hoping for recognition for them too, especially since Mark had submitted as well. I am so thankful to have gotten to work with them. Filming those scenes was a gut-wrenching couple of days. We definitely poured everything into it,” she said.

Being presented her Emmy by Jacqueline MacInnes Wood and Lawrence Saint-Victor

On receiving the award for Jacqueline MacInnes Wood and Lawrence Saint-Victor (her former co-stars on “The Bold and The Beautiful”), she said, “It couldn’t have been more perfect. I was so excited, and it was just really cool to be handed the award by them. They were my family for so long, and they still are in many ways.”

Courtney Hope on the growth and evolution of her character

On the growth and evolution of her character (Sally), she said, “It was nice watching Sally persevere through this baby storyline.”

“It was really interesting to watch Sally and pour myself into something like that. It was eye-opening and I gained a lot of wisdom through it. I empathized with people who have lost a child,” she elaborated.

“It has been fun to take Sally’s ‘wild Spectra ways’ and bring them to Genoa City,” she said with a sweet laugh.

Winning the Emmy alongside Michelle Stafford

Hope was honored to win her Emmy award alongside Michelle Stafford, who won for “Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series” for playing Phyllis.

“That was really cool,” she admitted. “Michelle is a powerhouse actress. I love watching her each time she acts.”

Being a part of Jacqueline MacInnes Woods’ Female Actress Nominees Luncheon

Each year, it is a tradition for the actress that wins the Emmy for “Lead Actress” (for the previous year’s acting work) to host the following year’s actress nominees’ luncheon.

“It was really sweet of Jacqueline to include the supporting cast and the guest performers too,” Hope said.

“I’ve seen them do that for years, and I thought it would be cool to be a part of that someday… and that one day came sooner than I thought, so that was exciting,” she added.

Hope on the actor that she would like to do more scenes with on the show

Hope revealed that she would like to have more scenes with Emmy winner Bryton James, who plays Devon Hamilton.

“Bryton is such a phenomenal actor, and I would love to see what we can create together,” she said. “Bryton is really good in his craft and he would challenge me too based on his caliber.”

Hope on the influence of Patrika Darbo

On working with Emmy winner Patrika Darbo (as her on-screen grandmother), Hope said, “I love whenever I get to do scenes with Patrika, where she Zooms into the show. I love her so, so much.”

“Patrika is such a firecracker, and she is so funny and so loving. I love it whenever I get to work with her. I would love to work with her in-person, but I love it when she gets to Zoom in because she’s a hoot,” Hope elaborated.

“Patrika took me under her wing from the very beginning, and she showed me the ropes of this industry. She is such a force… her wit and her strength are amazing. It is great to have her guidance and her companionship too,” she added.

The digital age

On being a part of the digital age, Hope said, “It’s cool that more people get to see our work. You can reach more people that way. Our show is able to be streamed in a lot of places all over the world, so that’s a good thing.”

‘Soaps in the South’ event in Georgia

This October, Courtney Hope is looking forward to doing the “Soaps in the South” fan event in Georgia alongside Patrika Darbo and James Hyde, where all the proceeds go towards the charity Camp Dream.

“I am super excited about it,” she exclaimed. “I am glad that I can work it out this year… it will be fun. It will be nice to have a ‘Spectra Reunion’ with Patrika. I love James Hyde; he is a good guy. It will be really fun.”

Best advice that she has ever been given

On the best advice that she has ever been given, she said, “Enjoy the people that you are around while you are around them. Really be present in each moment.”

Favorite mottos to live by

Regarding her favorite mottos to live by, she shared, “Everything happens for a reason.” “That might be so generic, but it’s so true,” she admitted. “In the end, everything will make sense. Also, find joy in everything you do. We are here to have fun.”

Stage of her life

On the title of the current chapter of her life, Hope said, “Metamorphosis.”

“I feel like a butterfly that is breaking out of her cocoon,” she said. “I’ve been reevaluating a lot of things for a while. Finally, all of the seeds have been planted and they are ready to reap.”

Advice for young and emerging actors

For young and aspiring actors, she said, “Just keep going and keep persevering. If this is something that is deep in your heart, keep studying, keep learning, and keep growing. Keep having life experiences too, especially since, as actors, we play human beings.”

“Above all, keep studying. I was always in an acting class,” she said. “Just continue trying to get better and keep pursuing it.”


On her definition of the word success, Hope said, “Success means being around loved ones and being joyful with where I am at in my life and being at peace. I want to really be able to enjoy the intricacies of life.”

Message for her fans and supporters

For her fans and supporters, Hope remarked, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would not be here without the fans. I didn’t get here alone, that’s for sure.”

“I feel so blessed and grateful to have people that have supported me from the beginning. It is just nice to be able to have their support,” she said, effusively.

To learn more about Courtney Hope, follow her on Instagram.

Courtney Hope talks about her 2024 Emmy win for ‘The Young and The Restless’
#Courtney #Hope #talks #Emmy #win #Young #Restless

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