Chatting with Hunter Woodhall: Track and field athlete and Paralympian


Hunter Woodhall still from his YouTube vlog. Photo Credit: Alex Andrei.

Hunter Woodhall is an American track and field athlete and Paralympian. He chatted about his latest endeavors.

Margaret Mead once said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” This quote applies to Hunter Woodhall, age 25.

Background on Hunter Woodhall

Woodhall won a bronze medal in the Men’s 400 meters T62 at the Tokyo Summer Paralympic Games. Prior to that, he won a bronze and silver medal at the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games.

After graduating from Syracuse High School, Woodhall became the first double amputee to earn an NCAA Division I scholarship (he was accepted to the University of Arkansas).

Daily motivations

On his daily motivations, he said, “Honestly, I am motivated by running fast. I just want to run fast and to be the best. That’s a big motivator, and having my wife, Tara, with me is great; we want to be the best. We get up each day and we put in the work to do that.”

Advice for young and aspiring track and field athletes

For young and aspiring track and field athletes, Woodhall encouraged them “to have fun.”

“It is so easy to get locked in and try to do everything right, and you can fall out of love in the process by trying to focus on the results so just enjoy what you are doing and show up every day. Give your best; that’s all you’ve got to do, and the results will come,” he elaborated.

Stage of his life

On the title of the current chapter of his life, Woodhall said, “Let’s Go Further.”

His favorite motto to live by is: “These are the moments.”

Married to Tara Davis-Woodhall

He is married to long jumper Tara Davis-Woodhall, and they have a YouTube channel together titled “Tara and Hunter.” He noted that she is a great support system, where they put each other to their limits.

Career-defining moments

On his career-defining moments, he shared, “Tara and I always say: ‘Be the person that you want to be in your highlight reel.’ I just try to go out there and I do the best that I can, and the result ends up being what it is. I don’t really have too many expectations.”

Superpower of choice

If he were to have any superpower, it would be “superspeed.”


Woodhall equates the word success simply as “being happy in life,” and rightfully so.

Message for his fans and supporters

For his fans and supporters, he said, “We love you guys. Thank you. This year has been so incredible… the last three years have been dominos falling in the right direction.”

“We’ve got the most amazing group of people supporting us within our circle and outside our circle. The fans mean the world to us. Keep watching and we hope to make you guys proud,” he concluded.

To learn more about Hunter Woodhall, follow him on Instagram.

Chatting with Hunter Woodhall: Track and field athlete and Paralympian
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