Isabella Mastrodicasa talks about being an entrepreneur in the digital age


Isabella Mastrodicasa. Photo Courtesy of Anderson Group PR

Isabella Mastrodicasa is a producer, founder, and social media celebrity manager. She discussed being an entrepreneur in the digital age, and shared some of her daily motivations.

Her Los Angeles-based management company Never Settle Media is dedicated to empowering female content creators in the digital space. 

The digital age

On being an entrepreneur in the digital space, she said, “It is filled with daily challenges, and it requires a lot of adaptability to the ever-changing trends as well an ability to pivot towards the new needs of the market. That’s also the beauty of it though, and what keeps you on your toes.”

“You need to constantly aim at learning and improving yourself while embracing new types of creativity, technologies, and opportunities,” she said.

“The thrill of having to constantly think outside the box, find additional resources, and communicate with new media and to the newer generations also gives you a lot of freedom to experiment ways to grow as a professional and as a person, which I personally find more interesting than a stable but more redundant career,” she added.

Daily motivations

Regarding her daily motivations, she remarked, “I get motivated daily by my team who trusts my vision and relies on me, and by clients who work hard towards our common goals and strategies.”

“Knowing that I am helping other women build their business and their freedom while I build mine is also very rewarding,” she said.

“I always wanted to contribute to social change given my background in criminal law, and having the possibility to run a company while amplifying and highlighting creative minds and women of color makes me excited every day,” she said.

“I feel that we are all winning and uplifting each other’s work, optimizing our full potential together. I am a firm believer that teamwork is what makes the dream work,” she explained.

Future plans

On her future plans, she shared, “I would love to keep building our digital roster of Talent and welcome more visionaries into the team, people with a different approach and prospective on the market who are ambitious and can add value by bringing a fresh set of skills.”

“I am also committed to growing our film and TV slate on the scripted side: with our writing clients we are currently developing IPs for US studios, and despite this being a different process full of obstacles (especially post-pandemic and post-strike),” she said.

“I am still passionate about expanding our projects,” she admitted. “In fact, screenwriting and traditional media are what made me fall in love with storytelling in the first place and I definitely want to keep focusing on growing our presence in all media that our Creators use to express themselves.”

Utilizing technology in her daily routine

On her use of technology in her daily routine, she responded, “To simplify systems and keep track of things, AI assistants.”

“I have recently started exploring AI assistants to simplify some of the daily tasks and set my weekly schedule with daily reminders. I am a fan of using technology to save you time and improve efficiency, and I think that if used responsibly this can be a great asset, especially for small businesses,” she elaborated.

Advice for young and aspiring entrepreneurs

For young and aspiring entrepreneurs, she said, “My biggest advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to commit to your vision, and to find likeminded people who you can rely on to execute your plan.”

“It is absolutely okay if you haven’t it all figured out yet, but be committed and study every day to become a better version of yourself while moving a foot in front of the other,” she said.

“Keep believing in yourself and in your values, even when you are presented with challenges that you aren’t sure how you’ll overcome,” she noted.

“Most importantly, use your discipline to keep getting closer to your goals, because that’s what will help you move forward when you will lack inspiration or motivation,” she added.

Career-defining moments

On her career-defining moments, he revealed, “I think that the moments in my career that defined me the most are the darkest and most challenging ones, those where I thought I failed and almost gave up.”

“Those are the moments that proved with facts that I am stronger than my challenges and that I am more resilient than I think,” she acknowledged.

Best advice that she has ever been given

She furnished some of the best advice that she has ever been given. “One of the best advices I’ve indirectly been given is what inspired my company name, ‘don’t settle, keep looking’,” she said.

“Steve Jobs encouraged young dreamers like me to believe that as all the matters of the heart, you will know when you will find your mission in life,” she said.

“Don’t settle for a job you aren’t passionate about, don’t follow other people’s ideas or dogmas, but find something you are great at and can commit to for the rest of your life. If you haven’t found that yet, just keep looking,” she elaborated.


On her definition of the word success, she said, “I think that outside of what society considers a successful career, what really defines being successful is the ability to achieve your own goals and ambitions in life.

“Also, growing stronger from your struggles, and sharing your achievements with people who are as passionate and as positive about the future as you are,” she said.

“To be able to do this while having a balanced lifestyle is what I define a successful journey,” she concluded.

Isabella Mastrodicasa talks about being an entrepreneur in the digital age
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