Op-Ed: Worldwide neuro-catastrophe will be mismanaged ASAP


Neurological conditions have overtaken heart disease as the leading cause of disability and early death – Copyright AFP Mohammed ABED

It’s getting a bit samey, isn’t it? The WHO announcement of horrendous figures for neurological health has been met with horror, some outrage,  and the usual media stupor. Meanwhile, just under half of the human race is looking pretty bad.  

The equation seems to be that the more obvious something is, the less is done about it. Consider the environment if you can remember it at all. Decades of pointless overstress in an overcrowded pole-to-pole toxic waste dump couldn’t have anything to do with it, now, could it?

Is this the result of new diagnostic technologies, or some other factor?
Very unlikely. Numbers on this huge scale can’t “just happen”. This is way too many people with the same range of conditions.

According to the WHO, lower- and middle-income groups are most severely affected.  How astonishing. As if poverty and relative poverty could have any impact on anyone.

NOTE: You do need to read the report. I’m going to be nitpicking about a couple of specific things here, but the overall picture is unspeakable.

The numbers aren’t good, and some are blurry and/or fuzzy. For example – Seems smoking contributes significantly to dementia, stroke, and multiple sclerosis – At a time when numbers of smokers are supposed to be getting much lower.

(In the past, when a far higher percentage of people smoked, the incidence of these conditions was much lower. …Should your numbers contradict decades of stated statistics? Particularly in this doom-scape we seem to have acquired?)

Meanwhile back on The Ponder-Never, that classic Western TV series about human wellbeing and media feedlot, not much is happening. Nor was it happening prior to this not-very-incomprehensible report.

Let’s look at the sparkling CV for the global health sector, that precocious little brat: It’s a real breath of fresh sewage.

Access to health care of all kinds has been vanishing for decades. GPs routinely run the risk of going broke, apparently on principle, and they and their services pay absurd overheads for everything. No, cranking up property rentals for these services doesn’t help.

The global human living environment has been deteriorating for at least 50 years with no effective comment from the sector.

The cost of training healthcare workers at any level has long since gone ballistic.

The sector is considered a horrendous place to work and has been for decades. (Here’s a hint, trivia buffs – You can’t provide services with people and money you don’t have. Maniacal management doesn’t help much, either.)

There is no political interest anywhere on Earth in a sane, efficient, properly costed health sector. At least, not a sector with no money-grubbing lunatic peasants making a fortune out of every second.

Costs of health care have risen so high that it doesn’t matter if there’s physical access to healthcare or not.

Large populations are hyper-stressful in all species. Even humans, believe it or not.

Quality of care in the bureaucratic crap-scape of protocols is largely irrelevant. There’s no risk of anyone including the bureaucrats living long enough to understand the bureaucracy or the need for bureaucracy.

We now condescend to address reality. You may remember reality from those long-gone days when anyone gave a damn about reality TV.  

The human nervous system, despite the company it keeps, is pretty durable. There must be extraneous factors in such a gigantic number of people with neurological disorders.

What could cause these things?

A vast range of possible stress factors which can do severe damage to neurological functions and general health.

Chemicals able to contact or chemically affect nervous tissues

Non-food diets and massive food shortages

Pollution of several million kinds

Playing “find the oxygen” due to vast quantities of CO2. That’s two atoms of oxygen for one carbon, y’know. Oxygen availability and human health are occasionally alleged to have something to do with each other.

Decades of stress through culture, politics, religion, and their related wars

Actual insanity deliberately promoted on global media

The mindless acceptance of stupidity as a way of life and a personal moral obligation for Americans

The impoverishment of billions of people by the financial sector, directly and indirectly

Toxic levels of crime in finance and money management

Revolting quality of accommodation and unhygienic environments

Chronic plague levels of corruption and incompetence in socioeconomics

Crashing outdated and probably highly contaminated infrastructure in nearly all cities (Heavy metals don’t do your nerves much good)

Near total illiteracy of leadership with irrelevant qualifications regarding any technology after the year 1900

Useless ideologies and ignoramuses obstructing and negating proper management (See COVID19 for fun facts,)

The solution, obviously, is more enthusiastic, preferably fanatical, mismanagement. We need more expensive imbeciles. We need millions of dinky little gerbils with futile degrees from those adorable little edu-catering institutions.

There’s also an obvious lack of privileged peasants with almost the equivalent of the IQs of flatulent fruit flies. Sniveling little morons are needed to prevent funding of anything which might be to the public benefit.

There’s even the risk of quicker reactions to public health disasters. We need vast cadres of slow-witted fools who should have been composted in kindergarten to manage this threat.   

Ask not what you can do for your country – Ask what you can do for some flabby billionaires in their tax havens.

Ask not where your tax dollars are going, because you know they’re going nowhere near you.  Expect these issues to be as thoroughly mismanaged as everything else.

Well? No, you’re not. What are you going to do about it?


The opinions expressed in this Op-Ed are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Digital Journal or its members.

Op-Ed: Worldwide neuro-catastrophe will be mismanaged ASAP
#OpEd #Worldwide #neurocatastrophe #mismanaged #ASAP

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