New study reveals which global cities are best and worst for a five-day week in the office


London underground train. Image © Tim Sandle.

Many peope travle to work, but which cities are the most favoured by comuters and which are the ones where the journey in ismet with trepidation? The company Business Name Generator has analysed 40 cities around the world to determine which locations are the best for a five-day office week.  The data has been provided to Digital Journal for review.

Boston, U.S. is apparently the best city in the world for working five days in the office, with 881 on-site jobs currently available currently available per 10,000 people, and commute times in the city are around 45 minutes. In contrast, London, U.K. is the worst city in the world for fully office-based roles, with a travel pass costing £181 per month.

London has one of the longest commute times, with a one-way journey taking around 45 minutes, and a monthly travel pass costs a huge £181, on average. 

According to new research, two-thirds (64 percent) of global CEOs predict workers will return to the office full-time by 2026. However, not every locale is best suited to this. Which cities around the world are best for a five-day office week?

The new review considers 40 global cities, looking at factors such as commute times and costs, the cost of a coffee, and the number of on-site jobs currently available in each city.

Returning to the city rankings, in second place is Amsterdam. The Dutch city has one of the shortest commute times of all global cities analysed, at 24 minutes for a one-way journey, though a monthly travel pass will set workers back a similar price as in Boston, at £71. 

Madrid has come in third place. The Spanish city is home to one of the cheapest cups of coffee of all cities analysed, at £1.75 per cup. Madrid residents also tend to have a relatively quick commute to work (27 minutes), at a pretty affordable cost too (£35).

The top ten cities are:

Rank City Country Avg. cost of a coffee Avg. commute times (mins) Avg. commute costs No. of on-site jobs per 10,000 people 
1 Boston USA £4.25 46 £73 881
2 Amsterdam Netherlands £3.13 24 £72 346
3 Madrid Spain £1.75 27 £35 21
4 Barcelona Spain £1.97 31 £22 19
5 Lisbon Portugal £1.66 32 £35 23
6 Vienna Austria £3.24 23 £39 49
7 Munich Germany £3.25 31 £43 190
8 Milan Italy £1.69 36 £34 50
9 Rome Italy £1.34 39 £30 15
10 Prague Czech Republic £2.87 32 £20 19

The above cities were then ranked according to the following metrics:  

The worst cities were identified as:

Rank City Country Avg. cost of a coffee Avg. commute times (mins) Avg. commute costs No. of on-site jobs per 10,000 people 
1 London UK £3.56 45.40 £180.69 116
=2 Los Angeles USA £4.34 57.36 £76.64 161
=2 San Francisco USA £4.48 52.05 £79.06 97
3 Washington USA £4.55 46.11 £93.99 86
4 New York City USA £4.46 43.64 £105.23 133
5 Sydney Australia £2.66 47.52 £115.40 44

London coming in in top place is probably reflective of many of the challenges that the city infrastructure faces, largely as the result of government underfunding.

New study reveals which global cities are best and worst for a five-day week in the office
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