Op-Ed: Strong leaders need weak followers. An American parable.


Lady Liberty: Tears of Roe, by Bonnie Lautenberg (6 ft. x 6 ft.) Tears streaming down the Statue of Liberty’s face and the word “Roe” added to her crown, lamenting recent challenges to our freedoms.

In the vast emptiness that is Donald Trump, any sort of substance, like say lethal legal costs, is an insurmountable obstacle. The “strong leader” needs a vacuum to exist. Flights of powerless nonentities sing him to his rest. The storybook is full of things never done.

Weak followers can only follow. They can’t initiate anything. A non-existent Republican party helps by doing nothing of note, ever. Their names are dust. They’ve become nobodies. A takeaway menu of nobody appointees helps to eliminate any possible opposition.

Opposition, in fact, becomes impossible. The “strong leader” can fail miserably at anything and everything without disagreement. The delusional can lead the deluded with confidence.

Now contrast the Democrats. Pick a subject, any subject.  It’s eight months out from the election. The Democrats aren’t fighting Trump. They’re fighting their own guy. This is how they lost in 2016. A Democrat non-voter was a vote for Trump. In this case, “strong followers” with no sense of urgency or apparently direction are the problem.

The sheer negativity of Democrat news is appalling. Third-party navel gazing replaces substance in this case. You’d think they’d never heard of media or basic marketing. They obviously haven’t.

That is a genuine and critical thing because Trump is and never has been more than a marketing exercise. They’re not competing with Trump on his only real platform.  They’re absolute opposites.

Trump can barely get a coherent word out of his face in all these years, but the Democrats speak lengthy political jargon. Trump’s messages lack any value of any kind, but they don’t strain the almost non-existent vocabularies of an unspeakably uneducated America.

With the greatest communications in history, the Democrats seem incapable of sending clear messages. They don’t even provide an executive summary. They can’t communicate at all with the childhood- rote-level evangelized.

You can’t talk to people about something they can’t understand. True. You could at least try, though. They’ve been told that other Americans are the enemy. They don’t question that. You haven’t given them any reason to listen to you.

Basic communications 101 –

  • Speak at the level of communication of your audience.
  • Be clear about what you’re saying.
  • A single message is enough.

If you tried to get a communications qualification with the garbled messages being sent by the Democrats, you’d be landfill. Your lecturers would have to bury you in self-defense for making a mockery of their subject.

You’re competing with a cash-strapped moron, and you can’t make any ground? You can’t even get your own message simple and straight?

The American Parable:

Once upon a time in a land far away from itself there was an idiot.

The end.

…And it will be the end if you don’t lift your game.


Op-Ed: Strong leaders need weak followers. An American parable.
#OpEd #Strong #leaders #weak #followers #American #parable

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