Laura Ault talks about the film ‘About My Father’ and the digital age


Laura Ault. Photo Credit: Tommy Chung

Actress Laura Ault chatted about being a part of the film “About My Father,” and the digital age.

‘About My Father’

On appearing in this movie, she said, “I was thrilled to get cast in the film and when I realized I was doing a scene with the legend that is Robert De Niro, I remember thinking ‘no, this can’t actually be happening to me’.”   

“Thankfully it turned out to be real, my role didn’t get cut, and I had an experience that not every actor can say they had. I got to fulfill a dream. They say ‘never meet your heroes,’ but he’s definitely an exception; he was incredibly kind, going out of his way to greet me and commend my work. It was a day I will truly never forget,” she said.

Ault opened up about working with Robert De Niro. “As I mentioned, De Niro was amazingly kind and someone I would really love to work with again in a much more substantial role,” she said.  

She continued, “Vince Vaughn is also a favorite actor of mine. I love his humor and sarcasm, and I was very keen to meet him, however our paths never crossed on screen together unfortunately.”  

“Of course, I saw him around on and off set but I didn’t want to go all fangirl and bother him so I kept my distance. I did get to do a scene with Alex Moffat from SNL, which was a dream come true for me, as I’ve always wanted to be on that show since I was a child,” she elaborated.

“It gave me a brief glimpse of what that experience would be like, even if just for a moment. And that moment was glorious,” she added.

Motivations as an actress and performer

On her daily motivations as an actress and performer, she said, “As most people know, an actor doesn’t necessarily get to act every day. Auditions come in waves and sometimes it’s slow and sometimes I feel overwhelmed cause I have two jobs that want to book at the same time. So, amidst the hustle and occasional dry spells, I find several motivators that keep me going day by day.”

She continued, “The first motivator, undoubtedly, is my two daughters. I am a single mom pursuing a dream in an unpredictable industry and while there are many times I think what I’m trying to do is just crazy and/or delusional, my girls fully believe in me and wouldn’t let me quit even if I wanted to at this point.”

“I want to show them that regardless of life’s curveballs or dashed plans, they can still choose a fulfilling path. They see me persisting in pursuit of my dreams, and I hope it inspires them to navigate their own lives with the same determination. The other motivator in my life is that I simply know I am meant to be doing this,” she elaborated. 

“As long as I continue to show up every day, maintain discipline, stay fit, and hone my skills, I’m confident I’ll keep getting opportunities to perform and make a positive impact in this world,” she added.

The digital age

On being an actress in the digital age, she said, “I have mixed feelings about this.  I have to say I love the self tape audition aspect so much more than in person auditions.”

She continued, “I don’t miss dealing with traffic, getting nervous in the waiting room, being distracted by 50 other women that look like me who are mumbling the lines over and over, only to go in to the audition room,  read for three minutes and come out wondering what just happened.” 

“Now, I get to work on the scene at home or in a studio, have a coach read for me, watch my takes and submit my best work. I love that! I think streaming media is also a blessing in that it provides so much more opportunity for actors to get work,” she said.  

“Just think about it, 20 years ago, actors had far fewer shows and movies to even audition for… These days, the opportunities are endless!  Sure, there are downsides too, like AI taking jobs and lower pay for streaming royalties, but I choose to stay positive and hopeful for the industry despite the uncertainties,” she added.

Future plans

On her future plans, she responded, “Becoming an icon, of course. But if I don’t end up the next big superstar, I’ll settle for keeping the lights on and feeding the family doing what I love. My ultimate goal? I want to create something never before seen, tell a story that demands to be heard, and hopefully, touch someone’s life, making their journey on this planet just a little bit brighter.”

Dream acting partners

Ault listed the following actors as her dream acting partners: Kristen Wiig, Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks, Cillian Murphy, Meryl Streep, Gary Oldman, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Ryan Reynolds, and Chris Hemsworth.

“I could keep going. There are too many to list,” she listed.


On her definition of the word success, she furnished the following quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “To laugh often and much: To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded.”

Closing thoughts on ‘About My Father’ 

She remarked about the movie “About My Father,” “I know I sound like Vin Diesel from the Fast and Furious franchise when I say this but… it’s all about family. It’s about being stuck with the people who know you best and love you anyway in the most heartwarming way.”

To learn more about Laura Ault, check out her official IMDb page, official homepage, and follow her on Instagram. 

Laura Ault talks about the film ‘About My Father’ and the digital age
#Laura #Ault #talks #film #Father #digital #age

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