YouTuber takes Jameskii brand to new levels


Photo courtesy of Jameskii

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Though there have always been online content creators, surges in popularity on apps like YouTube and TikTok have turned regular, ordinary people into internet celebrities. Jameskii is one of them. 

By the age of 25, Jameskii has amassed what many consider to be an internet empire. He runs the most recognizable YouTube channel in the VR (Virtual Reality) VRChat community under the name Jameskii and helped co-found the biggest Roblox YouTube channel. His YouTube series “VRChat in a Nutshell” has amassed millions of views, as has his “YUGO (the worst car ever made of all time)” series, where he repairs cars in a way that is tailored to a general audience rather than for car enthusiasts. He was also the creator of one of the most popular memes online, “Ugandan Knuckles,” which Jameskii says averaged millions of search queries and impressions per hour.

Jameskii’s career hasn’t just been built on overnight successes, however. His fifteen years of experience with the YouTube platform, which involves analysis, production, and the engagement of YouTube channels, coincides with his passion for video production, which includes everything from script writing to camera work and even video editing.

Photo courtesy of Jameskii

His desire to become involved in the content creation and influencing industries was in part born from an extreme passion for video production, art, and expression. However, he says it is not simply a matter of determination that leads one into this field.

“You have to be exceptional at what you do to be noticed in the first place,” he says. “And you have to continue to outdo yourself every time to continue your growth both in terms of viewership and as a person.”

His dedication to excellence has led to the content he has created being viewed and watched even years later. Jameskii currently holds three Silver YouTube plaques for reaching 100K subscribers, teo Golden YouTube plaques for reaching a total of 1-million subscribers, and a Diamond YouTube plaque for reaching a total of 10 million subscribers. “I have a never-ending desire to learn and improve,” he says. “I adapt to new environments both physically and online much faster than others, and I don’t limit myself to doing things ‘the old way.’”

Jameskii’s videos in both the virtual reality VRChat and car repair realms have drawn immense attention from those who wouldn’t normally be interested in that type of content. He says that he’s “very excited about how everything is going on [his] end” despite all the “ups and downs” he experiences. He claims that his trend rates are continuing to go up—and if his audience on Twitter and Instagram isn’t proof of that, his over 2 million subscribers on YouTube certainly are.

Jameskii’s brand awareness and ability to adapt to changing markets have brought him great success. However, he wants people considering becoming content creators to know that they can still be themselves and don’t have to create a façade, so long as there are no ill intentions.

“You don’t have to fake it to maintain your public status,” he says. “With enough dedication, if you continue to improve, success is bound to happen sooner or later.”

YouTuber takes Jameskii brand to new levels
#YouTuber #takes #Jameskii #brand #levels

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