Devon Drew talks about her ‘Pop Star’ solo shows, and the digital age


Devon Drew. Photo Credit: Mike Abbate.

Comedian and singer Devon Drew chatted about her upcoming “Pop Star” solo shows, and the digital age.

She will be performing on January 22 at Groundlings in Los Angeles, California. She will be bringing it to Caveat in New York City on Saturday, February 10.

Concept behind ‘Pop Star’ solo shows

On the idea for these shows, Drew said, “Well when I was 13 I tried to be a pop star. I started with a girl group, which ultimately failed, so I started my solo career. I recorded a ton of songs and shot several music videos.”

“I was like the Rebecca Black of my high school,” she admitted. “Rebecca Black, who released her “hit” song Friday that broke the internet…well I was like that except not nearly as famous (or infamous) as her.”

“My hit song was called ‘Shy Guy’,” she said. “I wrote it about a boy I had a crush on who was shy and I figured the best way to make him fall in love with me was to write, record, and shoot a music video about him! Surprise! It didn’t work!”

Drew continued, “People of course made fun of me, but I didn’t care I was going to be a pop star! Unfortunately that never happened, and after high school I became so embarrassed of myself and what I had done. I hid from it, and removed all my content from the internet.”

“Then, in 2020 I told some close friends about my experience,” she said. “I showed them my music videos and they said “wait this is actually very impressive.” So I’m sitting there thinking to myself, ‘am I sitting on a mountain of gold?’ This story is my story to tell. I shouldn’t be ashamed of my past, I should embrace it.”

“The best way was through a comedy show about my real life experience with my songs and music videos throughout. I thought, I don’t care if people like this— I just need to get this off my chest,” she added.

Daily motivations as an artist and creative individual

On her daily inspirations as an artist and creative individual, she said, “I am constantly inspired by the people around me. I love going out into the world and observing people.”

“I am hugely inspired by my friends and family and real life experiences. I tend to try anything for the ‘funny’ of it. I like putting myself in weird situations because even if it’s terrible, it will be really humorous to talk about later,” she said.

The digital age

On being a comedian and artist in the digital age, Drew responded, “It can feel both overwhelming and extremely accessible. There is so many outlets and sometimes it gets intense deciding what way you want to create and share your comedy.”

“I always prefer a live audience and feedback. You can’t beat in person laughter. Although I do love the ability to reach and connect with so many people through social media,” she said.

AI on the future of the entertainment industry

She shared her thoughts on AI on the future of the entertainment business. “AI is weird and scary,” she said. “I recently saw an AI of myself talking and it was so bizarre. It feels futuristic but it’s here and it’s only getting more seamless.”

“I think there are definitely aspects of AI that can be interesting and useful, but not as a form to replace actors and art. I think AI should be used to enhance human elements, and not replace them,” she added.

Advice for young and aspiring comics

For young and aspiring comics, she said, “Go for it! Chase your dreams! Trust your guts! Learn and grow as much as you can but remember, you are you, and no one else can do what you can.”

“I think people get overwhelmed wanting to do things the right way… and trust me, there isn’t one. If you have an idea and a perspective that’s unique— write and perform it because someone will connect to it,” she added.

Future plans

On her future plans, she shared, “I am taking my solo show to several cities as well as Edinburgh Fringe Festival. I want to continue to write and create comedy pieces. I am going to write and shoot a short film. Then probably win big awards and take over the world! Something simple like that.” 


On her definition of the word success, she said with a sweet laugh, “World domination. Kidding… kind of.”

“It means being happy with yourself and what you put into the world. I find success on many levels. I think if you set your mind to do something and you do it, that alone is success,” she explained.

Closing thoughts on her ‘Pop Star’ shows

For her fans, she remarked about her “Pop Star” shows, “It’s a funny show that you need to see! It feels weird marketing your own show but I promise people, even random people, have been very surprised by what my show is about.”

She continued, “I can write and explain how it’s a real story about me as a teenager chasing my dreams and failing along the way, but you kind of have to see it to believe it.”

“The stories are so unpredictable,” she admitted. “It is pathetic in a fun way, and It’s not sad— it’s a celebration of youth and how we all dreamed big as kids— all while sometimes being completely unaware,” she said.

“It’s not a solo show where you’re like oof this person is bumming me out. You’re like wow this is inspiring and this girl can really make fun of herself in a great way,” she said.

“Also, people have said they actually like my music so who knows maybe after the show is all done I’ll finally get a record deal and become a pop star,” she concluded.

To learn more about comedian and artist Devon Drew, follow her on Instagram and check out her IMDb page.

Devon Drew talks about her ‘Pop Star’ solo shows, and the digital age
#Devon #Drew #talks #Pop #Star #solo #shows #digital #age

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