Catching up with Ben Backson: International DJ and music producer


DJ Ben Bakson. Photo Courtesy of Abel Cruz and Jorge Freire.

International DJ and music producer Ben Backson chatted about his latest endeavors.

He opened up about the digital age and shared his thoughts on AI (artificial intelligence) on the future of the music industry.

Background on Ben Backson

Originally from Germany, Backson grew up an only child in a small village in southern Germany, watching movies, listening to music, and enjoying days on the lake with his family. 

At age 18, he moved to Berlin to study Economics and after graduating, he landed a marketing job at a large firm. He discovered that the 9 to 5 lifestyle wasn’t for that and began dabbling in music production.

Backson shared that he has DJed all over the globe, where he performed in such places as Sao Paulo, San Francisco, Mykonos (Greece), Miami, Washington DC, and New York City.

2024 Grammy celebration after-party performance

Backson will be performing at the 2024 Grammy Celebration after-party at the Los Angeles Convention Center following the ceremony. “I am super excited for that,” he admitted. “That is really such an amazing opportunity.”

Music and songwriting inspirations

On his music and songwriting inspirations, Backson said, “I am inspired by emotions… Whenever I feel good or bad, it can be any kind of feeling. Or if something is going through a breakup. It really comes in the moment, you cannot plan it.”

“It is not coincidence; the things just fall together and then you have to piece it together. Also, the emotions of the singer have to connect. Funnily, it always matches somehow… it is really interesting,” he added.

Future plans

Regarding his future plans, Backson said, “The Grammys will open a few more doors for me. I am already playing all over the world in big clubs, but I would love to play on bigger festivals such as Ultra, and the Grammys are a good opportunity. Also, I would love to work with other singers.”

New Year’s resolutions

On his New Year’s resolutions, he said, “I would like to eat healthier and I would like to be more strict about going to the gym. I am travelling like crazy every weekend, and that makes things complicated, especially to keep a healthy diet.”

“I already produced a lot of new music, and I want to keep it on track. The Grammys is an amazing start at the beginning of the year to take it to the next level,” he said.

Working with producer Jake Resnicow

Backson had great words about working with producer Jake Resnicow, where he has DJed his events and concerts. “I’ve been working with him for the last six years, and we still work together. We’ve had a successful partnership together,” Backson said.

“I did a gig for him in December in New York, and I played a set in Miami for New Year’s Eve. Those were amazing parties,” he added.

The digital age

On being a part of the digital age, Backson said, “To be honest, I use social media. Instagram is very important for me. I’m not a big fan of doing live sets online (where I am by myself and not in front of a live audience) because I don’t see the point of streaming that. A lot of DJs do that, but for me, it is not the same energy.”

“The DJ belongs in a club and the people have to be there. Live shows allow me to read the crowd. Digital may be good to help and support but it will never replace what happens in reality, in my opinion,” he elaborated.

“Performing live for me is instant gratification. The best thing to see is audience participation and engagement. If you are streaming a show, and you see that 2000 people are watching, you don’t see any of them, and you don’t see any of their reactions,” he added.

AI on the future of the music business

“There is a new AI program out there that basically helps you produce new music, and it’s really interesting,” he said. “This program is called Suno AI. Music is all about emotions, and AI doesn’t have any emotions. In my opinion, AI can never replace a DJ or a producer because we create with emotions.”

“If yo have a moment where you are stuck, AI can help you generate new song ideas,” he added. “ChatGPT can help write you a new song or track… so why not start your ideas with that? Then you can tweak it so that it can match your taste.”

The resurgence of vinyl

Backson noted that there is resurgence of vinyl. “All the big pop stars have their new records on vinyl as well. It’s something nice, because it is music history.”

Stage of his life

On the title of the current chapter of his life, the German DJ said, “Growth.” Last year, my title was ‘Renaissance,’ but this year is about growth. I am really stable in my career and my life too,” he said.

Superpower of choice

If he were to have any superpower, it would be to “read people’s minds.” “I can really read people well,” he said. “This helps me a lot with reading my crowd. When I go into a room, I can feel a certain vibe. This will help me with my work and team as well.”


Regarding his definition of the word success, he said, “For me, success does not mean making a lot of money or being rich, or to be on a yacht. Also, doing little projects every day. If you are doing something that you love, and it works, then that’s a success for me.”

Message for his fans and supporters

For his fans, he said, “I am very grateful for all of their support. I can see my fan-base growing steadily. Whenever I post anything, I can see their comments coming in on social media from all over the years.”

“My fan-base is quite diverse,” he admitted. “I have older fans and young fans. I love the fans and I am so appreciative of their support.”

To learn more about international DJ and music producer Ben Backson, follow him on Instagram, and check out his official homepage.

Catching up with Ben Backson: International DJ and music producer
#Catching #Ben #Backson #International #music #producer

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