Meet William Richardson: Fitness coach, entrepreneur, and social influencer


Fitness coach and social influencer William Richardson. Photo Courtesy of William Richardson.

Fitness coach, entrepreneur, and social influencer William Richardson chatted about his latest endeavors, his faith, and the digital age.

Margaret Mead once said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” This quote applies to William Richardson.

Daily motivations

Each day, he shared that he is inspired by “the challenge of life.” “There is always something new to overcome, and that inspires me. Whatever comes into my life is what gives purpose, and of course, my faith. Life actually really has meaning… it took me a very long time to search for that, and to find it,” he explained.

The digital age

On being a fitness coach and social influencer in the digital age, Richardson said, “It is definitely different. I started off training and getting recognition in person. Whenever I was in high school, I would see fitness influencers take off. Fitness is something I was obsessed with, and I thought it would be really cool to do that one day.”

“I remember I used to post content for a long time, and nothing took off for years. One day, my content started taking off and more people took notice of it, and I thought it would be great to make something out of it, potentially,” he recalled.

Use of technology in his daily routine

Regarding his use of technology in his daily routine, the 23-year-old said, “Usually I start off the day with whatever sales calls I have and making content. Now, it is a form of communication. Every day, I wake up and check my notifications… it is basically human interaction at this point. Also, the ability to reach a large scale of people at one time too.”

William Richardson
Fitness coach and social influencer William Richardson. Photo Courtesy of William Richardson.

Playing many sports in his younger days

In high school, he revealed that he played most sports, which included basketball, football, track and field, soccer, wiffleball, and swimming. “I started lifting in my freshman year, and I liked it better than any sport I ever played, so I completely focused on that,” he said.

“Also, I’m glad I studied the lifting because that is what taught me everything,” he added.

Looking at calories from a weekly standpoint

He shared a neat health and fitness lesson where he encouraged people to look at calories from a weekly standpoint as opposed to a daily one.

“In fitness, one day is not going to make a difference,” he admitted. “Whether you miss a workout or you are going to the gym three days a week, it would be like doing three days out of eight, and the difference will not be significant, or it may not even be noticeable at all,” he elaborated.

“It really is about averaging calories in the overall picture, so if you eat more in one day, adjust your calorie intake for the rest of the week and you should be fine,” he acknowledged.

Career-defining moments

On his career-defining moments, Richardson said, “Hitting 100,000 followers on Instagram was such a cool moment to the point where it didn’t seem real. It was wild to see that happen. Also, there are so many moments in lifting that have helped define me. When my clients see results in their workouts, it is very rewarding.”

Advice for hopefuls that wish to get into shape

For hopefuls that wish to get into shape in the New Year, he encouraged them “just to start and just to go.”

“Just start going, even if you know absolutely nothing. Just work out, try to eat better, and with time, look at how to do things better.  You can work with a coach, even though you don’t have to. Just go, and with time, you are going to learn along the way. The best advice is to just start,” he said.

Future goals

On his future goals, Richardson said, “I want to continue to grow my personal training. I want to help people, and to put everything in terms that people are able to understand to. That’s a goal of mine as well.”

“Overall, I want to grow my training, and to establish myself more as a credible source. Even if I am better than I was last year, that would be great,” he expressed.

Superpower of choice

If he were to have any superpower, it would be “teleportation.” “I could snap and go wherever I want to go,” he said with a sweet laugh.

In track and field, he listed the 100 meter sprint as his event of choice. “When I did track, they threw me in the varsity for the 4 x 100 race, so I guess I must have been pretty fast,” he recalled.

Stage of his life

Regarding the title of the current chapter of his life, Richardson said, “New Beginnings.” “I am in the ‘Entrepreneur’ chapter of my life,” he admitted. “I am putting a lot of energy into that. It is my No. 1 thing right now, as well as discipline, whether that is faith or trying to be better.”


On his definition of the word success, Richardson said, “Success can be physical, financial, and relationship. True success for me is being a follower of Jesus. Does my life replicate that in any way? No. Success for me is also peace of mind.”

To learn more about William Richardson, follow him on Instagram.

Meet William Richardson: Fitness coach, entrepreneur, and social influencer
#Meet #William #Richardson #Fitness #coach #entrepreneur #social #influencer

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