Tech prediction #1: Where is edge computing heading?


An ‘Apollo Go’ autonomous taxi on a street in Beijing – Copyright AFP Jade GAO

Predictions, especially within the technology field, are important for this time of year as those in sector and the wider business world seek to get ahead.  In relation to potential development Digital Journal heard from three key executives at AT&T Cybersecurity. These developments include: Edge computing for the Security Operations Centre (SOC), endpoint security, and the future of CSaaS.

These themes are developed across a special series of three interlinked articles.

Theresa Lanowitz, Head of Evangelism at AT&T Cybersecurity – former Gartner Analyst, begins the process by considering where edge computing is heading next.

Diverse endpoints

Lanowitz states: “In a world of edge computing comprised of diverse and intentional endpoints, it is important for the SOC to know the precise location of the endpoint, what the endpoint does, the manufacturer of an endpoint, whether or not the endpoint is up to date with firmware, if the endpoint is actively participating is computing or if it should be decommissioned, and host of other pieces of pertinent information. Edge computing expands computing to be anywhere the endpoint is – and that endpoint needs to be understood at a granular level.”

Gathering data at the granular level

The driver for improved data gathering and analysis is likely to come from new players. Here Lanowitz predicts: “In 2024, expect to see startups provide solutions to deliver granular detail of an endpoint including attributes such as physical location, IP address, type of endpoint, manufacturer, firmware/operating system data, and active/non-active participant in data collection.”

Endpoints are physical devices that connect to a network system such as mobile devices, desktop computers, virtual machines, embedded devices, and servers.

Calling out endpoints as a particular focal point, Lanowitz suggests: “Endpoints need to be mapped, identified, and properly managed to deliver the outcomes needed by the business. An endpoint cannot be left to languish and act as an unguarded point of entry for an adversary.”

Achieving specific goals

This approach will aid goal determination in particular. This leads Lanowitz to state: “In addition to granular identification and mapping of endpoints, expect to see intentional endpoints built to achieve a specific goal such as ease of use, use in harsh environments, energy efficiency. These intentional endpoints will use a subset of a full-stack operating system. SOCs will need to manage these intentional endpoints differently than endpoints with the full operating system.”

In terms of final advice, Lanowitz puts forward: “Overall, look for significant advancements in how SOCs manage and monitor endpoints.”

Tech prediction #1: Where is edge computing heading?
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