Grassroots movements: Philanthropist Igor Makarov on how small-scale donors are making a big impact


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According to a recent report, Americans gave $471.44 billion to charities in 2020. This number was achieved not solely by the works of big donors but by the collective impact of small-scale giving. In the landscape of philanthropy, grassroots movements spearheaded by small-scale donors are redefining the traditional boundaries of charitable giving, proving that when it comes to making a difference, the size of the donation is not the sole determining factor. 

In this dynamic environment, voices like that of Igor Makarov, a renowned philanthropist known for his diverse and impactful contributions, become particularly significant. Makarov’s journey from a world-class cyclist to a visionary entrepreneur and philanthropist illustrates the potential of individual commitment in fostering societal betterment.

Drawing upon his years of involvement in philanthropic initiatives, Makarov shares his insights, delving into the increasingly pivotal role of small-scale donors in contemporary philanthropy and discussing how every individual has the power to make a difference.

Understanding small-scale donors’ rising significance

In philanthropy, the term ‘small-scale donor’ is increasingly becoming a term of empowerment rather than limitation. Small-scale donors are individuals or groups who contribute modest amounts to charitable causes. Unlike traditional, large-scale philanthropic efforts typically spearheaded by well-known foundations or wealthy individuals, grassroots philanthropy thrives on the collective power of numerous small contributions. 

This emerging trend represents a significant departure from traditional notions of philanthropy, where the emphasis has traditionally been on the magnitude of donations. This perspective highlights the growing recognition that philanthropy is not solely the domain of wealth but an inclusive field where every contribution, regardless of size, counts and holds a monumental impact.

Makarov highlights technology’s role in this paradigm shift. Social media and digital platforms have enabled people to gather and facilitate quick, effective contributions from anyone. He notes, “The beauty of small-scale giving is as most of these small-scale donors give just out of their means, sometimes even sacrificing just to participate, they are not just giving money; they are investing in causes they believe in and want to thrive.”

This evolution in philanthropy, driven by the rise of small-scale donors, is creating a more participatory and inclusive model of giving. It challenges each person’s role in addressing society’s myriad challenges despite ability and income. 

Why do small-scale donations matter?

The significance of small-scale donations in the philanthropic sphere extends far beyond the immediate financial impact. According to the Cyprus philanthropist, these contributions, often overlooked in the shadow of large-scale giving, hold immense power in fostering a sustainable and inclusive culture of philanthropy. 

“Small-scale donations are the cornerstone of donor retention. They create a continuous stream of support, vital for the longevity and stability of charitable initiatives,” Makarov explains. 

This insight highlights a critical aspect of small-scale giving — its ability to establish long-term relationships between donors and causes, ensuring a consistent flow of aid that builds a foundation of reliability and predictability that can be more sustainable than the fluctuating nature of large donations. This sustainability is crucial for the long-term planning and execution of charitable projects, allowing organisations to strategize and implement initiatives with greater confidence and efficiency. 

Furthermore, the inclusive nature of small-scale donations democratises the act of giving, opening the doors of philanthropy to a broader spectrum of society. Makarov elaborates, “Sometimes, large-scale donations are daunting and intimidating. However, small-scale donations invite broader participation, breaking down barriers that large-scale donations might create.”

This approach diversifies the donor base and enriches the philanthropic landscape with fresh perspectives and ideas. It creates a more dynamic and participatory environment where philanthropy becomes a collective endeavour rather than the purview of a select few.

“Envision the expansive network we could create by connecting all small-scale donors. The potential reach of such a network is boundless, opening endless possibilities for collaboration and impact,” Makarov asserts. 

Igor on balancing philanthropic contributions

While advocating for the pivotal role of small-scale donations in philanthropy, Makarov does not diminish the importance of larger-scale contributions. As he initiated large-scale charity projects and events over the last 30 years, such as Mount Sinai’s Adult Autism Clinic, which was opened in the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, USA, in 2017, sponsoring the Downside-Up Project initiatives aimed at helping children with Down Syndrome, and many others, he believes both forms of giving are integral parts of the philanthropic ecosystem, each serving unique and vital functions. 

Large-scale donations often provide the substantial funding necessary for groundbreaking initiatives. They can be instrumental in tackling pressing issues that require significant financial input, while small-scale giving is about encouraging widespread participation and fostering a culture of inclusivity in philanthropy. 

The philanthropic landscape is most effective when it integrates and values small and large-scale contributions. Each has its place in driving societal progress and change. He mentions, “I am looking forward to a society where philanthropic initiatives are not just for businessmen but is something that employees, housewives, and even students can participate in. And if that means empowering small-scale donations, I am all in.”

Makarov offers a nuanced perspective, emphasising that small-scale donations do not negate the value of larger contributions but complement it. For him, true philanthropy creates a holistic ecosystem where both large and small gifts can coexist and be optimised for the greater good.

Grassroots movements: Philanthropist Igor Makarov on how small-scale donors are making a big impact
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