How is your business marking World Kindness Day?


According to the new draft legislation, “engaging in acts of homosexuality” would be an offence punishable with life imprisonment – Copyright AFP Raul ARBOLEDA

Today is World Kindness Day (Monday 13th November) is celebrated in many countries, although it has yet to receive endorsement by the United Nations. The event was introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, a coalition of nations’ kindness NGOs. For 2023, the theme is with making kindness a fundamental part of our interactions, decisions, and actions.

Digital ID’s identification expert Adam Bennett tells Digital Journal about some of the more creative employee appreciation methods that business leaders can consider adopting on any day of the year.

Employer-centric activities are important since one poll, looking at U.K. workers, found that 43 percent of employees say that incentives and flexibility have dropped since workers return to the workplace. In addition, 31 percent of workers say they have missed their children’s school events because they could not get time off.

Bennett’s concern is with wellbeing and he notes: “In light of the tough economic climate, we’re seeing the toll it takes on mental health across the workforce. Now more than ever, companies need to pivot towards nurturing their employees’ well-being through thoughtful and considerate appreciation.”

He adds that: “Flexibility in work schedules is one of the highest forms of respect a company can offer its workforce.”

Other measures identified by Bennett include:

Bespoke gift cards: The strategic use of gift cards is a means of providing personal and flexible appreciation. “Selecting a gift card that aligns with an employee’s interests shows thoughtfulness and encourages personal choice,” explains Bennett.

Planning annual retreats: Bennett suggests that companies invest in annual retreats, carefully crafted to balance leisure with professional development. “Retreats are more than a getaway; they’re a crucible for forging strong team dynamics and demonstrating a company’s investment in its people.”

Celebrating milestones and birthdays: Recognising employee milestones with in-office celebrations or personalised acknowledgements can greatly enhance the sense of belonging. Bennett highlights, “Acknowledging personal achievements like work anniversaries or significant project completions reinforces the value placed on each team member.”

Social media recognition: Utilising company social platforms to celebrate team and individual achievements affirms a company’s pride in its staff.

Adaptable working schedules: Bennett stresses the importance of flexible working schedules as a form of employee appreciation.

Time off for school events: Recognise the importance of family and encourage bosses to allow parents time off to attend their children’s school events, such as nativities and plays, recommends Bennett.

Eating well: Underlining the connection between nutrition and well-being, Bennett advocates offering paid lunch and breakfast options. “Ensuring our teams eat well is a priority. Providing healthy meal options can be a cornerstone of a productive and happy workplace,” Bennett suggests.

These strategies can greatly enhance job satisfaction and can be a cornerstone for a company’s success.

How is your business marking World Kindness Day?
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