Op-Ed: Are you a political and media sucker? Let’s try this excruciating little quiz.


Pro-Plestinian protesters packed Trafalgar Square for the ‘London Rally For Palestine’ – Copyright AFP Bashar TALEB

If there’s one thing a total lack of real education has achieved, it’s drastically increased gullibility and the total inability to process information. Media reflects this, unintentionally. The absolute slop you are fed as news by overpaid meth-sucking Fascist saints does tell a story.

Whatever it is, polarization is the only show in town. It’s an industry in its own right. Nobody’s being trained to do anything else. You add the politics as required, whatever the issue. Does someone want to mow the nature strip and pick up the garbage? That’s communism. Form a vigilante group and persecute people with lawnmowers. Elect the garbage.

Meanwhile – Progressive media, at least that’s what it calls itself, does it the other way around. You get buzzwords as painkillers. It’s not news in the sense of doing anything about anything.  

Like – You’re in a war zone, but you’re “resilient”, if rather convincingly dead.  You’re “empowered” by the vague approval of a dreary patronizing little mud puddle of a man on a chat show. At no point will any kind of quick physical solution to any problem be under discussion.

You won’t actually build a school, market affordable meds, or organize realistic housing options to save your own or anyone else’s lives. You won’t enforce human rights. You won’t physically stop people getting poisoned by this septic environment, food, and water. You won’t just shut down dangerous things. You will however blather on heroically for decades. Give it a rest and do something useful for a change, fools.  

Happy? Of course, you are. Someone else said so. So there.

I had the rather sad experience of bumping into more than 2 minutes of American TV online a while back. The picture of Joe Biden tripping on a stairway was repeated endlessly in those 20 minutes or billions of years. It was TV for infants. In chickens, it’s called imprinting.

Deep and meaningful stuff. I didn’t even know they still used stairs to get on planes. The last time I used stairs to get on a plane, the plane was a Fokker Friendship, and I was in early grade school.

It was news, though. You could see the immense global issues in this incident. Nobody has ever tripped on anything in the whole of recorded history. Everyone knows that. No OHS issues, either. No access issues. No “If I tripped on your airplane’s steps, I’ll sue you back to the Wright Brothers birth certificates.” Just good wholesome news for retards.

You’re being given information in this way because nobody believes you can figure out basic spin techniques. “Things go better with some guy tripping on a step…” This stuff is for people who have no level of education at all. You could not sell this stuff anywhere else on Earth. Well, maybe Iran…

…Which leads us ever so elegantly to the excruciating quiz:

Assume for a moment that some news could possibly be more important than other news. Maybe genocide and state-sponsored mass murder are more important than a peeved potato in a court, perhaps?

…So why is the potato taking center stage and getting more coverage than most wars? Why is it OK to kill some people in cold blood, but not in self-defence?  

Conspiracies are news, according to someone. They’re not, and never will be. That doesn’t matter. Real conspiracies don’t hire thousands of publicists. So, you get endless opinions about the non-existent conspiracies, not “news” in any known form. At the expense of all else. Why?

Does anyone have anything to gain? Like perhaps those charming Beatrix Potter-like networks, perhaps? The pseudo-people who get elected to give themselves and their unsanitary little friends billions of dollars worldwide, maybe?

There’s one thing to know about politics. Whatever they want, you’ll be paying for it. All of it. They couldn’t do it without you.  …Because they’re under no pressure at all.


The opinions expressed in this Op-Ed are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Digital Journal or its members.

Op-Ed: Are you a political and media sucker? Let’s try this excruciating little quiz.
#OpEd #political #media #sucker #Lets #excruciating #quiz

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