2025 Predictions — The US exits from the world, and the rich are not included
The New York Stock Exchange. — © AFP
The creaky old “predictions” time has come. A groveling impotent global media, castrated by its own business models and policy stupors, suddenly knows something.
Well, hollow-lu-jah.
Having failed miserably at its traditional role, the world’s highly branded buffoons have taken up crystal ball gazing. Presumably, no other balls were available.
The predictions range ingloriously from the mindlessly mediocre to the pointlessly predictable, as follows:
Nobody mentions anything getting better.
Human reality is as usual not a subject for discussion.
America’s impending departure from the world is definitely not a topic.
It’s ironic that the world’s “pundits” (there are other far more accurate and meaningful descriptions) can’t do much more with such a rich sewer full of materials. Having turned themselves into lackeys and reduced circulation with paywalls, they’re now spectators at best, and co-conspirators at worst.
Never mind that.
Given such pitiful and gutless competition, I thought I’d have a go at it. I could hardly do worse than that rubbish.
First Quarter 2025
The first rumbles of unworkable and downright obsolete economic policies spatter against global sensitivities. Europe and China start to react. The stated policies start their very predictable run to a surprisingly boring disaster.
This is just setting up for failure.
The world won’t follow.
If you want to be “isolated”, bingo.
Nobody will want anything to do with you.
The world has been here before and didn’t like it.
The first responses will be evasive rather than confrontational, but the trade issues have already been decided. This is just the start. With or without active hostility, the step off the cliff has been taken. You’ve gone from Rebel without a Cause to Ridiculous Gerbil-Like Meeting-Dwellers without Applause.
Second Quarter 2025
This is where the domestic fan starts to get hit. Infighting begins in earnest. American media is now so despised and ineffectual it will take a while to percolate through to the public.
It’s all about money, the lack of money, and the fact that Americans can no longer afford anything.
What a surprise.
Keep ‘em coming, bozoids.
“What, is all not quite peachy dandy keen neat-O in the great empty KFC bucket we for some reason call a country?”, they will ask in horror.
“Non cacas?”, respondeth America The Broke.
This level of communication isn’t likely to achieve much. It can’t and it won’t. These problems will persist
Third Quarter 2025
By about this time whatever chaos has hit the revenue cycle will be taking place. It could happen a lot sooner, but hey, even morons need some time to be morons. State and Federal revenue will be seeing movement in too many different directions.
The beauty of it is that this level of total out-of-depth ineptitude can affect the whole world, which America bravely continues to insist doesn’t exist. The world can’t and won’t trust that.
US debt will be front and center as usual. The world knows how some prominent “alleged Americans” handle their personal debt. It responds accordingly
Obviously, the world is persecuting America, which threatens to invade itself in retaliation.
The thing is, America the Still Somewhat Credibly Solvent, by now a total of nearly four people and a rather smug raccoon, won’t trust it either. Things will have to move on from the idiocy.
Interest rates rise. Markets fragment. Assets evaporate. Credit hangs itself. Idiots rejoice.
Fourth Quarter 2025
A few other neuroses could have happened or not in 2025. That depends largely on whether Congress or Americans with any real clout (note the distinction) can read. That means rich non-morons, and the place doesn’t seem oversupplied with those.
A “strategic” Bitcoin reserve may or may not have happened. The world’s most highly manipulated pothole-priced pseudo-currency may have taken over from the US dollar – Or not. Bitcoin has a finite number of coins. Hardly enough for unlimited greed and stupidity. It’s not all that likely, but not impossible.
The US housing market may finally have collapsed under all that fictional and totally irresponsible debt. It’s been permanently sucking as much money out of the economy as the parasitic health sector. Nobody can afford to prop it up anyway. The sheer inertia of this massive market disintegrating will rewrite every investment portfolio in the US and probably the world.
The corporate world, aka the most hated people in history, will be doing fine, according to them. You know how good their info is. They’re good at sending themselves broke, just better at sending everyone else broke.
The current situation is quite bad enough. At least you can pretend it works, though. That may not be the case at the end of 2025. This last gasp of stupidity will be the parting of ways for Feudal America and the 21st century
Trade, AI, reality, and a defensive world will move on without American psychoses.
The opinions expressed in this Op-Ed are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Digital Journal or its members.
2025 Predictions — The US exits from the world, and the rich are not included
#Predictions #exits #world #rich #included